Grotius Collection Online: Printed Works

Grotius Collection Online: Printed Works
This is the online version of the IDC microfiche Grotius Collection, with the addition of all editions which the Peace Palace Library in The Hague acquired since the date of publication of the original product (1999), including one of only three known copies of the rare first state of the first edition of De Iure Belli ac Pacis, purchased in 2012. The result is an indispensable source of information covering a wide range of disciplines. From law, jurisprudence and diplomacy to philosophy, history and theology. This new collection enables scholars to examine the work of Hugo Grotius, quickly and efficiently online.
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Grotius Collection Online: Printed Works Advisors: Henk Nellen, Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands & Jeroen Vervliet, Peace Palace Library Director. Brill, Leiden - Boston - Singapore, 2017. <>