Military Architecture 1600-1900

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When Leonardo sought for a job at the court of Milan he presented himself as an expert in the military arts who in times of peace also could make a decent sculpture and Michelangelo was head of fortifications when the troops of Charles V besieged Florence. Military architecture was considered to be an art that was studied at the European courts and that belonged to the education of noblemen. At the same time Europe was a patchwork of battles that required practical solutions in the lay-out of defense works.M,
Brill’s Military Architecture 1600-1900 contains a selection of 100 printed works that represents the revolutionary developments in fortification in Early Modern Europe in theory and in practice. Similar to the arts, military architecture was split up in national schools or styles, so called fortification manners. The works of Busca, Cattaneo, De Marchi, Tensini, Theti, Zanchi, reflect the Italian School, Errard and Perret the French one and Specklin’s Architektur von Vestungen is an adaptation of the Italian school in Germany. Stevin’s Sterctenbouwing discusses Cattaneo, Theti and Specklin to assess the benefits of their fortification systems for the Low Countries. The later French school is well represented by Pagan and the works of probably the most famous engineer of all times, Vauban. His various “fortification manners” were applied all over Europe and beyond.
The selected works of Menno van Coehoorn reveal how the French system was introduced in the Netherlands, while the works of Paen, Melder, Ruysch and Sturm are illustrative for the heavy debates that resulted from adapting such complex systems to the nordic situation. While these works in Military Architecture 1600-1900 allow for a comparative analysis in text and image of European fortification schools, others focus on more local conditions such as Stevin’s works in Dutch and French on the role of pivoted sluices in the fortifications of various harbor towns.
Moreover, Military Architecture 1600-1900 provides insight in the training of fortification in theory and practice for multiple “user-groups”. While the works of the classical authors Caesar, Valturius and Vegetius were used for the philological study of the military arts at universities, the reality of warfare required for training of practical skills for engineers and landsurveyors in the field. Translations of Euclid, works on the practice of geometry and landsurveying (Mallet, Nienrode, Metius, Sems&Dou) were filling that gap. Although Military Architecture 1600-1900 represents the protagonists of the history of fortification, it also includes lesser known authors such as Bruist, Capo-Bianco, Gaya, Gerbier and Pfeffinger. Moreover, the selection does not limit itself to military architecture, but includes the military arts (artillery, army camps, siege) and history.
Prof.dr. Charles van den Heuvel, Huygens ING and University of Amsterdam
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- Hamilton Thompson, A., Military Architecture in England during the Middle Ages.
- Belidor, [B.F.]., Architecture Hydraulique, ...
- Belidor, [B.F.]., Nouveau Cours de Mathematique à l'usage de l'artillerie et du genie.
- Blondel, F., L'art de jetter les bombes, ...
- Blondel, F., L'art de jetter les bombes.
- Blondel, F., Nouvelle Manière de fortifier les places.
- Blondel, F., Nouvelle Manière de fortifier les places.
- Brueil, J. du., L'art universel des fortifications, ...
- Caesar, G.J., Les commentaires de Cesar.
- Fer, N., Les Forces de l'Europe.
- Gaya, L. de., L'art de la guerre, ...
- Goulon., Mémoires pour l'attaque et la défense d'une place.
- Montluc, B., Commentaires, ...
- Montluc, B., Commentaires, où sont décrits tous les Combats, Rencontres, Escarmouches, Batailles ... Prises .. de Villes [et] Places fortes ...
- Perret, I., Architectura et perspectiva des fortifications ...
- Pfeffinger, [J.F.]., Fortification nouvelle, ou recueil de différantes manières de fortifier en Europe; avec des figures en taille-douce.
- Quincy, C.S. and [S]. Vauban., Kriegs-Kunst ...
- Rozard., Nouvelle fortification françoise, ...
- Vauban, S., De attaque et de la defense des places: ...
- Vauban, S., Lettres intimes (inédites) adresseés au marquis de Puyzieulx (1699-1705).
- Vauban, S., Manière de fortifier ...
- Vauban, S., Mémoires inédits ... sur Landau, Luxembourg et divers sujects.
- Vauban, S., Traité de l'attaque et de la défense des places.
- Vauban, S., Véritable Manière de fortifier ...
- Vegetius, F., De re Militari libri quatuor.
- Ville, A., De la charge des gouverneurs des places.
- Duerer, A., Institutionum geometricarum libri quatuor ...
- Dürer, A., Underweysung der Messung mit dem Zirkel und Richtscheyt in Linien ebnen und gantzen Corporen zu samen gezoge und zu Nutz alle Kunst-liebhabenden mit zu gehörigen figuren in Truck gebracht.
- Errard, J., Fortificatio, das ist künstliche und wolgegründte Demonstration.
- Freitag, A., Architectura Militaris ...
- Freitag, A., Architectura Militaris ...
- Furttenbach, J., Architectura martialis ...
- Speckle, D., Architectura von Vestungen ...
- Speckle, D., Architectura von Vestungen ...
- Sturm, L.C., Architectura Militaris ...
- Sturm, L.C., Der wahre Vauban, Oder der von den Teutschen und Holländern verbesserte französische Ingenieur.
- Sturm, L.C., Freundlicher Wett-Streit ... Sturm, Vauban, Coehoorn und Rimpler.
- Sturm, L.C., Freundlicher Wett-Streit ... Sturm, Vauban, Coehoorn und Rimpler.
- Sturm, L.C., Unterweisung wie man Fang-Schlaüssen ...
- Busca, G., Della espugatione et difesa delle fortezze libri due.
- Campana, C., Della guerra ... fatta per difesa de religione ...
- Capo-Bianco, A., Corona e Palma militaire di artiglieria et fortificatione.
- Cataneo, G., Avertimenti et essamini intorno a quelle cose che richiede a un bombardiero.
- Cataneo, G., Libro nuove di fortificare, ...
- Floriani, P.P., Diffesa et offesa delle piazze.
- Lorini, B., Delle fortificationi ... Libri Cinque.
- Lorini, B., Le fortificationi di ... Nuovamente ristampate, ...
- Marchi, F. de., Della architettura militare, Libri III.
- Tensini, F., La fortificazione, guardia, difesa et espugnazione delle fortezze.
- Theti, C., Discorsi delle fortificationi, ...
- Valturius, R., Re Militari Libris XII.
- Valturius, R., Re Militari Libris XII.
- Zanchi, G.B., Del modo di fortificar le citta.
- Bruist, B., Beginzelen der Vesting-Bouw.
- Coehoorn, M., Nieuwe Vestingbouw, Op een natte of lage Horisont.
- Coehoorn, M., Nouvelle Fortification, Tant pour un terrain bas, ...
- Coehoorn, M., Versterckinge des Vijf-Hoecks.
- Coehoorn, M., Wederlegginge der Architectura Militaris ...
- Doegen, M., Architectura Militaris Moderna.
- Dou, J.P., De ses eerste Boucken Euclidis, ...
- Gerbier, B., Crijghs-architecture ende fortificatien.
- Gheyn, J., Maniement d'armes ...
- Goldmann, N., La nouvelle Fortification.
- Guicciardijn, L., Beschrijvinghe van Alle de Nederlanden, ...
- Hugo, H., De militia eqvestri antiqva et nova ad regem Philippum IV. Libri qvinqve.
- Hugo, H., Obsedio Bredana Armis Phillippi IIII.
- Landsberg, J.H., Nouveau Projet d'une citadelle, ...
- Landsberg, J.H., Nouveaux Plans et projets de fortifications, ...
- Landsberg, J.H., Nouvelle Manière de fortifier les places, ...
- Lipsius., De Militia romana libri quique, ...
- Mallet, A.M., De werken van Mars ...
- Mallet, A.M., Den Arbeid van Mars, ...
- Marolois, S., Fortificatie, dat is stercktebouwing ...
- Marolois, S., Geometrie of te Meet-const.
- Melder, G., Korte en klare Instructie ...
- Metius, A., Fortificatie ofte sterckten-bouwinghe ...
- Metius, A., Manuale arithmeticae ... 't gene den landt-meters ende ingenieurs nootwendich is ...
- Nienrode, C., De Vijfthien boecken van Euklides, uyt den latijnsche spraecke overgeset in nederduyts, ...
- Paen, L., Architecture Militair. Waar by de Versterckinge des Vyfhoecx, vande Heer ... M: van Coehoorn ... wert verbroken.
- Pagan, B.F., Nieuwe Vesting-Bouw, ...
- Reyd, E. v., Historie der Nederlantscher Oorlogen ...
- Ruse, H., Aenwysinge der Misverstanden van G. Melder.
- Ruse, H., Versterckte Vesting, ...
- Sems, J. and J.P. Dou., Practijck des Landmetens.
- Sems, J. and J.P. Dou., Practijck des Landmetens: ...
- Sems, J. and J.P. Dou., Van het gebruick der Geometrische instrumenten.
- Stevin, H., Plaetboec vervangende de figuren of formen gehorig tottet wiscontich filosofisch bedryf.
- Stevin, S., Castrametatio, dat is Legermeting.
- Stevin, S., Castrametatio, dat is Legermeting.
- Stevin, S., De Sterctenbouwing.
- Stevin, S., La castrametation, ...
- Stevin, S., Les Oeuvres Mathématiques.
- Stevin, S., Materiae Politicae. Burgherlicke stoffen ...
- Stevin, S., Nieuwe Maniere van Sterctebou door Spilsluysen.
- Stevin, S., Nieuwe Maniere van Sterctebou door Spil-sluysen.
- Stevin, S., Nouvelle manière de fortification par écluses.
- Stevin, S., Nouvelle manière de fortification par écluses.
- Stevin, S., Sterckten-bouwingh.
- Stevin, S., Wisconstige gedachtenissen, ...
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Military Architecture, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018 <>