World Council of Churches Online: Relations with the Roman Catholic Church

The present collection, World Council of Churches: Relation with the Roman Catholic Church, makes available a section of the ecumenical archives covering the period 1948-1992. These archives are of great interest and frequently consulted by researchers working on the history of the ecumenical movement. The different sections contain, among others, correspondence with Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Bea and the Community of Taizé, personal notes, press cuttings, reports and unpublished material.
More information:
Box: 4201.1.1: General documentation
- 1. Press cuttings and press releases
- 2. Press cuttings and press releases
- 4. Reports
- 5. Reports
- 6. Vatican instruction. De motione ecumenica
- 7. Dossier Ratzinger
- 8. Dossier Hans Küng
Box: 4201.1.2: General documentation
- 1. Publications
- 2. Press cuttings and press releases
- 3. Roman Catholic observers at the WCC Assembly, Amsterdam, 1948
- 4. Proclamation of the Dogma of the Assumption
- 5. Encyclic "Humani Generis"
- 6. "Gemeinsames Vaterunser"
- 7. Infallibility of the Pope
Box: 4201.2.1: Diplomatic representation, Taizé, Chair of Unity Octave and Unitas
- 1. Correspondence about a diplomatic representation
- 2. Press cuttings and articles about a diplomatic representation
- 3. Reports about a diplomatic representation
- 4. Reports about a diplomatic representation
- 5. Taizé
- 6. Articles published by the Chair of Unity Octave
- 7. Articles published by the Chair of Unity Octave
- 8. Unitas
Box: 4201.2.2: Correspondence and reports
- 1. General correspondence with the Vatican
- 2. Reports
- 3. Reports on visits to Rome
- 4. Reports
- 5. Correspondence Hans Heinrich Harms - B-C
- 6. Correspondence Hans Heinrich Harms - D-F
- 7. Correspondence Hans Heinrich Harms - G-H
- 8. Correspondence Hans Heinrich Harms - J-K
- 9. Correspondence Hans Heinrich Harms - L-M
- 10. Correspondence Hans Heinrich Harms - N-P
- 11. Correspondence Hans Heinrich Harms - R-S
- 12. Correspondence Hans Heinrich Harms - T-V
- 13. Correspondence Hans Heinrich Harms - W-Z
- 14-18. General correspondence and reports
Box: 4201.2.3: General correspondence and reports
Box: 4201.2.4: Correspondence Cardinal Bea and the Vatican
- 1. Correspondence with Cardinal Bea
- 2. Meeting in Milan in April 1964 with Cardinal Bea
- 3. Visit from Cardinal Bea in Geneva
- 4. Visit from Cardinal Bea in Geneva
- 5. Cardinal Bea Award given to Visser't Hooft
- 6 - 18. Correspondence with the Vatican
Box: 4201.2.5: Correspondence with the Vatican and Jacques Blanc and Pope's Encyclicals
- 1-15. Correspondence with the Vatican
- 16. Correspondence about Pope's Encyclicals
- 17. Pope's Encyclicals
- 18. Correspondence and analysis about Pope's Encyclicals
- 19. Correspondence Konrad Raiser - Jacques Blanc about communications (Church alert)
- 20. Correspondence and analysis about Pope's Encyclicals
- 21. Correspondence Jacques Blanc
Box: 4201.2.6: Bilateral Relations
- 1. Anglican Church
- 2. Episcopal Church
- 3. Lutheran Church
- 4. Orthodox Church
- 5. Orthodox Church
- 6. Orthodox Church
- 7. Relations between Pope Paul VI and Patriarchate Athenagoras
Box: 4201.2.6bis: Bilateral Relations
- 1. Orthodox Church
- 2. Reformed Church
- 3. United Nations
- 4. Australia
- 5. Canada
- 6. France
- 7. Germany
- 8. Ireland
- 9. Italy
- 10. Mexico
- 11. New Zealand
- 12. Philippines
- 13. Poland
- 14. Switzerland
- 15. United States
- 16. Conference of the European Churches
Box: 4201.2.7: Secretariat for Unity
- 1. General correspondence and reports
- 2. General correspondence and reports
- 3. Third World Congress of the Lay Apostolate
- 4. Report of the Directorium de Re Oecumenica
- 5-20. General correspondence and reports
- 21. Ecumenical Collaboration at the regional national and local levels
Box: 4201.2.8: Secretariat for Unity and Synod of Bishops
- 1-7. General correspondence and reports
- 8. First Synod of Bishops, September-October 1967
- 9. Synod of Bishops
Box: 4201.2.8bis: Synod of Bishops
Box: 4201.2.9: Pontifical Commission Justice and Peace
- 1. Members and agendas
- 2. Report of the Secretary to the Second Plenary Meeting, 23-28 October 1967
- 3. Allocutions of the Holy Father
- 4. Brief Legislative History of the Pontifical Commission Justice and Peace
- 5. 1964 Memorandum
- 6. Working groups' reports
- 7. General reports
- 8. Meditation
- 9. Statements
- 10. The Encyclical "On the Development of Peoples" and the Pontifical Commission Justice and Peace
- 11. Standing exploratory group on Church and Society, Justice, Development and Peace
- 12. Beirut conference on cooperation for World development
- 13. Beirut conference on cooperation for World development
- 14. Correspondence with the Pontifical Commission
- 15. Reports
- 16. Joint consultative group
- 17. Joint consultative group
Box: 4201.2.10: Consultations
- 1. Consultation on Church and Society at Crêt-Bérard
- 2. Consultation on Church and Society at Crêt-Bérard
- 3. Consultation on Church and Society at Crêt-Bérard
- 4. Consultation on Mission, Crêt Bérard, Switzerland, 5-10 April 1965
- 5. Consultation on Mission, Crêt Bérard, Switzerland, 5-10 April 1965
- 6. Consultation on Mission, Crêt Bérard, Switzerland, 5-10 April 1965
- 7. Working party on emergency and development aid. Geneva, January 26-28
- 8. Second consultation on Church and Society. London, 18-21 February
- 9. Information to the member churches about relations with the Catholic Church
Box: 4201.2.11: Consultations and World Day of Peace
- 1. Les Chrétiens et la paix, Milan, 21-22 January 1967
- 2. Meeting with the Secretariat of State, Rome, April 21-22, 1969
- 3. Meeting with the Secretariat of State, Milano, February 3-4, 1971
- 4. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of Peace 1968 and 1969
- 5. World Day of Peace 1969
- 6. World Day of Peace 1969
- 7. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of Peace 1970
- 8. World Day of Peace 1970
- 9. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of Peace 1972
- 10. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of Peace 1973
- 11. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of Peace 1974
- 12. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of Peace 1975
- 13. World Day of Peace 1976
- 14. World Day of peace 1978
Box: 4201.2.12: World Day of Peace and visit of the Pope
- 1. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of Peace 1979
- 2. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of peace 1980
- 3. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of peace 1981
- 4. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of peace 1987
- 5. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of peace 1988
- 6. Message from His Holiness Paul VI for the celebration of the World Day of peace 1989
- 7-15. Visit of His Holiness Paul VI at the WCC
Box: 4201.2.13: Visit of the Pope
Box: 4201.2.14: Visit of the Pope in 1969 and files concerning the Pope John Paul II
Box: 4201.2.15: Files concerning the Pope John Paul II
Box: 4201.2.16: Visit of the Pope in 1984
Box: 4201.2.17: Files concerning the Pope John Paul II and Osservatore Romano
- 1-2. Files concerning the Pope John Paul II
- 3-4. Osservatore Romano 1979-1980
- 5-16. Osservatore Romano Digest 1983-1994
Box: 4201.2.18: Consilium liturgicum: Periodicals and reports
- 1. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire, no 1-14
- 2. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire, no 15-28
- 3. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire, no 35-50
- 4. De recognoscendo ritu confirmationis
- 5. De lectionibus biblicis in Officio
- 6. De precibus in laudibus et in vesperis
- 7. De psalmis distribuendis
- 8. De cantibus officii divini
- 9. De breviarii structura
- 10. De matrimonio
- 11. Reports
Box: 4201.2.19: Consilium liturgicum: Periodicals and reports
- 1. Instructio de ritibus et insignibus pontificalibus simplicioribus reddendis
- 2. Constitutio apostolica : qua novi ritus approbantur ad ordinationem diaconi, presbyteri et episcopi
- 3. Litterae apostolicae : De usu insignium pontificalium recognoscendo
- 4. Reports
- 5. De Ordine Missae
- 6. De institutione generali pro missali romane
- 7. De recognoscendo ritu sacramenti paenitentiae
- 8. De ritibus peculiaribus in anno liturgico
Box: 4201.3.1: Preparation of the Second Council
- 1. Reports on the preparation of the Second Council
- 2. Correspondence
- 3. Press cuttings and releases
- 4. Reports on the preparation of the Second Council
- 5. Correspondence
- 6. Press cuttings and releases
- 7. Reports on the preparation of the Second Council
- 8. Correspondence
- 9. Press cuttings and releases
Box: 4201.3.2: First Session
- 1. Reports on the preparation of the Second Council
- 2. Reports
- 3. Reports by observers
- 4. Reports by Lukas Vischer
- 5. Correspondence
Box: 4201.3.3: First Session
Box: 4201.3.4: First Session
Box: 4201.3.5: Second Session
- 1 - 3. Reports on the Second Council
- 4 - 5. Reports by observers
- 6. List and rules for observers
- 7. Discourses of the Holy Father Pope Paul VI
Box: 4201.3.6: Second Session
Box: 4201.3.7: Second Session
Box: 4201.3.8: Third Session
- 1. Reports of the third session
- 2. Reports of the third session
- 3. Reports of the third session
- 4. Holy Father's allocution and encyclic
- 5. Reports by observers
Box: 4201.3.9: Third Session
- 1. Reports by Lukas Vischer
- 2. Lists of delegates and observers
- 3. Correspondence
- 4. Press cuttings and releases
- 5. Ufficio Stampa
Box: 4201.3.10: Third Session
- 1. Ufficio Stampa
- 2. Worships
- 3. Publications
- 4. Publications
- 5. Relatio
- 6. Schema constitutionis de ecclesia
Box: 4201.3.11: Third Session. Publications
Box: 4201.3.12: Fourth Session
Box: 4201.3.13: Fourth Session
- 1. Reports by Lukas Vischer
- 2. Correspondence
- 3. Press cuttings and releases
- 4. Worships
- 5. Publications
- 6 - 14. Publications by the Sacrosantum Oecumenicum Concilium Vaticanum Secundum
Box: 4201.3.14: Fourth Session and Periodicals
- 1. Relations of the Roman Catholic Church to non-christian religions
- 2. Religious Liberty
- 3. Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur, no 1-16
- 4. Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur, no 17-28
- 5. Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur, no 29-48
- 6. Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur, no 50-96
Box: 4201.3.15: Periodicals
- 1. Schweizerischer Evangelischer Pressedienst, no 1-10
- 2. Schweizerischer Evangelischer Pressedienst, no 9
- 3. Schweizerischer Evangelischer Pressedienst, no 3-12
- 4. Schweizerischer Evangelischer Pressedienst, no 3-9
- 5. Federal Council of Protestant Churches in Italy - Press and information service, no 1-16
- 6. Federal Council of Protestant Churches in Italy - Press and information service, no 18-25
- 7. Documentatie Centrum Concilie
- 8. Documentatie centrum Concilie
- 9. Documentatie centrum Concilie, no 1-50
- 10. Documentatie centrum Concilie, no 51-78
Box: 4201.3.16: Periodicals
- 1. Documentatie centrum Concilie, no 80-105
- 2. Documentatie centrum Concilie, no 106-130
- 3. Documentatie centrum Concilie, no 132-150
- 4. Documentatie centrum Concilie, no 151-168
Box: 4201.3.17: Periodicals
- 1. Documentatie centrum Concilie, no 170-200
- 2. Documentatie centrum Concilie, no 201-230
- 3. International Documentation on the Conciliar Church, no 1-11
- 4. International Documentation on the Conciliar Church, no 170-200, no 12-24
Box: 4201.3.18: Periodicals
- 1. Information Documentation on the Conciliar Church 1968
- 2. Information Documentation on the Conciliar Church 1968
- 3. Information Documentation on the Conciliar Church 1966
- 4. Information Documentation on the Conciliar Church 1967
Box: 4201.3.19: Periodicals
- 1. Information Documentation on the Conciliar Church, no 1-32
- 2. Information Documentation on the Conciliar Church, no 1-20
- 3. Information Documentation on the Conciliar Church, no 21-34
- 4. Information Documentation on the Conciliar Church, no 35-45
Box: 4201.3.20: Periodicals
- 1. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise conciliaire
- 2. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise conciliaire
- 3. Documentation Hollandaise du Concile, no 2-55
- 4. Documentation Hollandaise du Concile, no 56-95
- 5. Documentation Hollandaise du Concile, no 96-128
- 6. Documentation Hollandaise du Concile, no 129-149
Box: 4201.3.21: Periodicals
- 1. Documentation Hollandaise du Concile, no 150-198
- 2. Documentation Hollandaise du Concile, no 201-213
- 3. Documentation Hollandaise du Concile, no 216-233
- 4. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire
- 5. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire, no 1-17
Box: 4201.3.22: Periodicals
- 1. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire
- 2. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire, no 1-19
- 3. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire, no 20-32
- 4. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire, no 1-20
- 5. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire, no 21-35
- 6. Information Documentation sur l'Eglise Conciliaire, 36-45
Box: 4201.4.0: Historical documents on the Joint Working group
Box: 4201.4.1: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1. First meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Bossey, 22-24 May 1965
- 2. First meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Bossey, 22-24 May 1965
- 3. Informal consultation on laity formation, Gazzada, 7-10 September 1965
- 4. Second meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Ariccia, 17-20 November 1965
- 5. Second meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Ariccia, 17-20 November 1965
- 6. Second meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Ariccia, 17-20 November 1965
- 7. Third meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Bossey, May 14-16, 1966
- 8. Third meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Bossey, May 14-16, 1966
- 9. Third meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Bossey, May 14-16, 1966
- 10. Third meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Bossey, May 14-16, 1966
Box: 4201.4.2: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-3. Fourth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Crêt Bérard, near Lausanne, 20-22 November 1966
- 4. Rencontres Oecuméniques Féminines de Crêt-Bérard, 14-17 June 1966
- 5-12. Fifth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Aricia, Italy, 15-19 May 1967
Box: 4201.4.3: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-3. Fifth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Aricia, Italy, 15-19 May 1967
- 4. Women's Ecumenical Conference, Taizé, France, June 19-24, 1967
- 5-9. Sixth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Aricia, Italy, 3-7 December, 1967
Box: 4201.4.4: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-4. Seventh meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Arnoldshain, Germany, 16-20 May 1968
- 5. Beirut Conference on World Cooperation for Development
- 6. Women's Joint Group RC / WCC
- 7. Seventh meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Arnoldshain, Germany, 16-20 May 1968
- 8-11. Eighth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Rome, Italy, 1-5 December 1968
- 12. Second Conference of the Joint Working Group between the Australian Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church, Wesley College, Sidney, Australia, 27-30 May, 1968
Box: 4201.4.5: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-7. Ninth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Gwatt, Switzerland, 12-17 May, 1969
- 8. RCC / WCC Women's ecumenical liaison group
- 9. Summit meeting between the Secretariat of State and the WCC/CCIA
- 10-14. Tenth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Naples, Italy, 25-30 May, 1970
Box: 4201.4.6: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-6. Tenth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Naples, Italy, 25-30 May, 1970
- 7. Officers Meeting, Rome, 1st August, 1970
- 8. The activities of the Joint Working Group between the Roman catholic Church and the World Council of Churches, 1965-1969
Box: 4201.4.7: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1. RC/WCC Women's Ecumenical Liaison Group Meeting, Rome, Italy, October 26-30, 1970
- 2-7. Eleventh meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Bernhaüser Forest, Stuttgart, Germany, 7-12 June, 1971
- 8. Common witness and proselytism. A study document
- 9. Cabinet meeting of the Joint Working Group, Geneva, December 2-3, 1971
- 10. Meeting between staff people of Secretariat for Unity and World Council of Churches, Cartigny, Genève, Switzerland, June 25-27, 1971
- 11-13. Twelfth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Rome, Italy, May 29 - June 2, 1972
Box: 4201.4.8: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-2. Twelfth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Rome, Italy, May 29 - June 2, 1972
- 3. Cabinet meeting of the Joint Working Group, Geneva, October 27-28 1972
- 4-7. Thirteenth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, England, 21-25 May 1973
- 8. Ecumenical call to prayer for peace in Ireland
- 9. Cabinet meeting of the Joint Working Group, Rome, March 26-28 1973
- 10. Cabinet meeting of the Joint Working Group, Geneva, June 16-18 1973
- 11. Cabinet meeting of the Joint Working Group, Rome, October 17-18 1973
- 12-15. Fourteenth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Venice, Italy, 27 May - 1 June 1974
Box: 4201.4.9: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-3. Enquiry for study on local ecumenism
- 4. Consultation on future of JWG between RCC and WCC, January 29 - February 2, 1974
- 5. Cabinet Meeting of the Joint Working Group, Bossey, Geneva, Switzerland, April 25-26, 1974
- 6. Cabinet Meeting of the Joint Working Group, Rome, Italy, July 4-6, 1974
- 7-8. Cabinet Meeting of the Joint Working Group, Rome, Italy, October 10, 1974
- 9-10. Cabinet Meeting of the Joint Working Group, Geneva, Switzerland, January 10-11, 1975
- 11. Cabinet Meeting of the Joint Working Group, Geneva, Switzerland, November 5-6, 1975
- 12. Cabinet Meetings 1975
- 13-14. Cabinet Meeting of the Joint Working Group, Rome, Italy, May 4-6, 1976
Box: 4201.4.10: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-6. Fifteenth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 4-8 October 1976
- 7. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, Geneva, January 31 - February 1, 1977
- 8. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, August 30-31, 1977
- 9-14. Sixteenth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Torino, Italy, December 5-10, 1977
Box: 4201.4.11: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1. Meeting of the Executive Group, Ecumenical Institute Bossey, Switzerland, April 8, 1978
- 2-3. RCC/WCC Meeting, Venice, Italy, June 12-17, 1978
- 4-5. Meeting of the Executive of the Joint Working Group, 4-5 December 1978
- 6-11. Seventeenth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Le Louverain, Switzerland, 26 February - 2 March 1979
- 12. Meeting of the Executive of the Joint Working Group, April 6-7, 1979
- 13-16. Meeting of the Executive of the Joint Working Group, November 6-7, 1979
Box: 4201.4.12: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-9. Eighteenth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Marseille, France, 1980, 18-23 February
- 10-11. Social action
Box: 4201.4.13: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1. Meeting of the Executive Group, Bossey, Switzerland, 23-24 April 1980
- 2. Meeting of the Executive Group, Rome, Italy, 6-7 November 1980
- 3. Meeting between Ninan Koshy, Konrad Raiser and the Secretariat for the Promotion of Christian Unity of the Vatican, 18 September 1980
- 4. Meeting between the World Council of Churches and the Roman Catholic Church, Rome, Italy, March 1981
- 5-11. Nineteenth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Geneva, Switzerland, 1981, 9-13 June
- 12. Meeting of the Executive Group, Geneva, Switzerland, April 23-24, 1981
- 13. Meeting of the Executive Group, Rome, Italy, September 7-8, 1981
- 14. First Meeting of the Consultative Group on Social Thought and Action (JCG), Rome, Italy, 17-18 September 1981
- 15. Mid-Stream, An Ecumenical Journal, Vol. XX, No 1, January 1981
- 16. Second Meeting of the Consultative Group on Social Thought and Action (JCG), Bossey, 22-23 February 1982
- 17-18. Meeting of the Executive Group, Geneva, Switzerland, March 1, 1982
- 19-20. Twentieth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Ariccia, Italy, March 29 - April 2, 1982
Box: 4201.4.14: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1-4. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, Rome, Italy, 6-7 April 1982
- 5-10. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, 28 February - 4 March 1983
- 11. Third Meeting of the Consultative Group on Social Thought and Action (JCG), Rome, Italy, 19-20 January 1983
Box: 4201.4.15: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1. Planning Meeting for the Joint Working Group, Venice, Italy, January 26-28, 1984
- 2-3. Joint Consultative Group on Social Thought and Action, Bossey, Switzerland, 9-10 April 1984
- 4-7. Twenty-first meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Bossey, Switzerland, October 8-13, 1984
- 8. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, Rome, Italy, 14-15 February 1985
- 9. Meeting of Task Force on Roman Catholic Relationships, Geneva, Switzerland, 2 May 1985
- 10-14. Twenty-second meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Riano, Rome, Italy, September 29 - October 5, 1985
- 15. Joint Consultative Group on Social Thought and Action, Casa Internazionale del Clero, Rome, Italy, 16-17 April 1985
- 16-17. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, Geneva, Switzerland, 20-21 February 1986
- 18-19. Joint Consultative Group on Social Thought and Action, Geneva, Switzerland, April 8-9, 1986
- 20-23. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, Rome, Italy, 20-21 November 1986
Box: 4201.4.16: Meetings of the Joint Working Group
- 1. Consultation on "A Hierarchy of Truths", Rome, Italy, 2-6- March, 1987
- 2-6. Twenty-third meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Bossey, Switzerland, 30 April - 7 May 1987
- 7. Consultative Group on Social Thought and Action, Rome, Italy, 15-16 June 1987
- 8-10. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-13 November 1987
- 11. Correspondence
- 12. Working papers (reports)
- 13. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, Rome, Italy, 18-19 February 1988
- 14-17. Twenty-fourth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, Venice, Italy, April 28 - May 4, 1988
- 18. Consultation on "A Theology of Nature and a Theocentric Ethic", Sofia, Bulgaria, 11-17 September 1988
- 19. Task Force on Roman Catholic Relationships, 12 October 1988
- 20-22. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, Rome, Italy, 18-19 November 1988
- 23. Correspondence
Box: 4201.4.17: Meetings of the Joint Working Group and Theological Commission on Catholicity and Apostolicity
- 1. Working papers (reports) and articles
- 2-3. Twenty-fifth meeting of the Joint Working Group WCC-Roman Catholic Church, St. Prix / Paris, France, 4-10 February 1989
- 4. Meeting of the Executive Group of the Joint Working Group, Le Cénacle (Geneva), Switzerland, 13-14 October 1989
- 4bis. Meeting of the Joint Working Group, Le Cénacle (Geneva), Switzerland, 19-20 June 1990
- 5. Correspondence and working papers (reports)
- 6-7. Theological Commission on Catholicity and Apostolicity, Nemi, Italy, May 20-24, 1967
Box: 4201.4.18: Sub-committee on mixed marriages
- 1-3. Meeting of the Sub-committee on mixed marriages, Nemi (Rome), Italy, February 28, March 4
- 4-9. Sub-committee on mixed marriages
- 10-13. Meeting of the Sub-committee on mixed marriages, Geneva, Switzerland, 2-4 October
Box: 4201.5.1: Creation of Sodepax and first meetings
- 1. History of Sodepax
- 2. WCC/RCC Working Party on Emergency and Development Aid, Geneva, Switzerland, January 26-28, 1966
- 3. Meeting of the Standing Exploratory Group on Church and Society, Justice, Development and Peace, Geneva, Switzerland, June 18-20, 1967
- 4. RCC/WCC Steering Committee Meeting on Church and Society, Justice, Development and Peace, Geneva, Switzerland, September 25-26, 1967
- 5. RCC/WCC Steering Committee Meeting on Church and Society, Justice, Development and Peace, Geneva, Switzerland, November 20-21, 1967
- 6-7. WCC/RCC Conference on World Cooperation for Development, Beirut, Lebanon, April 21-27, 1968
- 8-10. Meeting of the Exploratory Committee on Society, Development and Peace, Rome, Italy, May, 21-23, 1968
- 11. Meeting of the Exploratory Committee on Society, Development and Peace, Geneva, Switzerland, June 12, 1968
- 12. Meeting of the Exploratory Committee on Society, Development and Peace, Uppsala, Sweden, July 20, 1968
- 13. Meeting of the Exploratory Committee on Society, Development and Peace, Vatican City, July 1968
- 14. WCC/RCC Steering Committee Meeting on Society, Development and Peace, Geneva, Switzerland, 14-15 October 1968
- 15. Sodepax Officers' Meeting, February 1969
- 16. WCC/RCC Steering Committee Meeting on Society, Development and Peace, Geneva, Switzerland, 14-15 April 1969
- 17. WCC/RCC Working Party on Emergency and Development Aid, Bernhaüser Forest, Stuttgart, Germany, April 20-22, 1971
- 18. WCC/RCC Steering Committee Meeting on Society, Development and Peace, Rome, Italy, April 7-8, 1972
- 19-20. Sodepax General Committee Meeting, Rome, Italy, May 27-29, 1972
- 21-22. WCC/RCC Steering Committee Meeting on Society, Development and Peace, Geneva, Switzerland, October 9-10, 1972
- 23. WCC/RCC Steering Committee Meeting on Society, Development and Peace, Venice, Italy, May 26-27, 1974
- 24. Fund raising survey report
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