Russian-Ottoman Relations Online, Part 4: The End of the Empires, 1857-1914

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: russianottoman-relations-part-4]' returned 261 results.

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War in Bulgaria:a narrative of personal experiences /

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Die Kaukasische Kasaken-Brigade im Balkan-Feldzug 1877/78

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Die Operationen im Etropol-Balkan:ein Beitrag zu der Geschichte des russisch-türkischen Krieges 1877-78 /

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Bulgares et Russes vis-à-vis la Triple Alliance

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The Russo-Turkish war 1877:a strategical sketch /

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L'Empire ottoman (1839-1877):l'Angleterre et la Russie dans la question d'Orient /

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