The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection

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Sur un problème traité par Léonard e Pise dans son Flos, et relatif à une équation de troisième degré

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Intorno ad otto manoscritti arabi di matematica posseduti dal Ch. Sig. Guglielmo Libri ::con una note.

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Mémoire sur quelques effets d'attraction ou de répulsion apparente entre les molécules de matière

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Sur la courbure d'une serie de surfaces, et de lignes

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On the diffraction of an object-glass with circular aperture ::from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. V, Part III

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Correspondance [sic] of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes, etc ...

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Observations on the structure and development of bone

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Biographical notice of Jean-Baptiste Biot.

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Geometrical theorems, exhibiting some newly-arrived-at properties of polygons, with respect to points, lines and circles

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On probability.

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A dissertation on weights and measures, and the best means of revising them ::published originally in the British Review, No. XVII, 1817.

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On the principle of continuity in reference to certain results of analysis

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On the opinion of Copernicus with respect to the light of planets

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On the general equation of surfaces of the second degree ::from the Transaction of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. V, part I

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Description d'un appareil électro-dynamique

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Figure of the earth.

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A discourse touching Tangier ::in a letter to a person of quality. To which is added, The interest of Tanger

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Jottings on the science of the Chinese arithmetic.

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An algebra of ratios, founded on simple and general definitions ... by Henry B. Browning ... ::[review]

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Rapport sur un mémoire de M. F. Woepcke intitulé Essai d'une restitution des travaux perdus d'Apollonius sur les quantités irrationnelles, d'après des indications tirées d'un manuscrit arabe

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A demonstration of the quadrature of the circle

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Mémoire sur la détermination des fonctions arbitraires qui entrent dans les intégrales des équations aux différences partielles

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Historical notices respecting an ancient problem.

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Secret correspondence of the court of the peshwa Madhu Rao, from the year 1761 to 1772

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Observatio eclipsis lunae die 30 Julii 1757

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General methods in analysis for the resolution of linear equations in finite differences and linear differential equations

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On tradesmen's tokens.

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A reply to an article in no. 7 of the Bath and Bristol Magazine, entitled A review of "Mathematical researches, part the first, by G.B. Jerrard, B.A."

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Abstracts of papers read before the Royal Irish Academy

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Analytical researches connected with Steiner's extension of Malfatti's problem

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Remarks on Horner's method of solving equations

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On the derivation of the word theodolite

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La vérité sur le procès de Galilée

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The progress of the doctrine of the earth's motion, hetween the times of Copernicus and Galileo ::being notes on the antegalilean Copernicans.

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Mémoire sur le nombre de valeurs que peut prendre une fonction ::quand on y permute les lettres qu'elle renferme

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Nouvelles études sur les réfractions atmosphériques / par M. Biot.

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