The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection

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Neue Methode zur Auffindung der reellen Wurzeln höherer numerischer Gleichungen und zur Ausziehung der dritten und der höheren Wurzeln aus bestimmten Zahlen

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On the motion and rest of fluids

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Kinematic bicircloids.

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The portrait of Copernicus

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On a new instrument, called the differential sextant, for measuring small differences of angular distances

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On the determination of the orbit of a comet

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A contribution to the history of the problem of the reduction of the general equation of the fifth degree to a trinomial form

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Orontij Finaei Regii mathematicarum Lutatiae professoris, in sex priores libros geometricorum elementorum Euclidis Megare[n]sis demonstrationes ::recèns auctae & emendatae vnà cum ipsius Euclidis textu graeco, & interpretatione latina Bartholamaei Zamberti Veneti : omnia ad fidem geometricam /

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