The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection
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- 4> 1514
- 1> 1523
- 1> 1524
- 1> 1532
- 1> 1533
- 1> 1534
- 3> 1542
- 2> 1544
- 1> 1550
- 3> 1551
- 1> 1554
- 1> 1556
- 1> 1559
- 1> 1567
- 2> 1569
- 1> 1575
- 1> 1578
- 1> 1580
- 1> 1585
- 1> 1587
- 1> 1593
- 1> 1596
- 1> 1597
- 1> 1598
- 2> 1599
- 1> 1600
- 7> 1612
- 2> 1613
- 1> 1615
- 1> 1616
- 2> 1620
- 1> 1623
- 2> 1624
- 5> 1627
- 1> 1631
- 1> 1633
- 1> 1634
- 1> 1635
- 1> 1641
- 1> 1644
- 1> 1646
- 1> 1650
- 1> 1653
- 2> 1657
- 1> 1667
- 1> 1668
- 1> 1670
- 1> 1673
- 1> 1674
- 1> 1675
- 1> 1677
- 1> 1679
- 3> 1680
- 1> 1682
- 1> 1684
- 1> 1685
- 1> 1686
- 5> 1687
- 1> 1688
- 1> 1690
- 1> 1691
- 3> 1693
- 2> 1694
- 1> 1698
- 6> 1699
- 4> 1702
- 1> 1703
- 3> 1704
- 1> 1706
- 1> 1707
- 3> 1708
- 1> 1710
- 1> 1712
- 1> 1713
- 2> 1714
- 2> 1719
- 1> 1721
- 1> 1722
- 1> 1725
- 1> 1727
- 3> 1729
- 3> 1730
- 1> 1733
- 5> 1734
- 8> 1735
- 1> 1736
- 3> 1739
- 2> 1740
- 1> 1741
- 6> 1742
- 2> 1743
- 3> 1744
- 3> 1745
- 2> 1746
- 1> 1747
- 2> 1749
- 1> 1752
- 2> 1753
- 4> 1755
- 3> 1757
- 2> 1758
- 3> 1759
- 1> 1760
- 3> 1761
- 1> 1764
- 1> 1765
- 6> 1770
- 7> 1771
- 7> 1772
- 4> 1773
- 6> 1774
- 4> 1775
- 2> 1776
- 2> 1777
- 1> 1778
- 3> 1779
- 1> 177u
- 3> 1780
- 3> 1781
- 1> 1783
- 4> 1784
- 1> 1785
- 2> 1786
- 3> 1787
- 1> 1788
- 4> 1789
- 7> 1791
- 1> 1793
- 2> 1794
- 1> 1795
- 2> 1798
- 1> 1799
- 1> 17uu
- 2> 1800
- 4> 1801
- 4> 1802
- 4> 1803
- 1> 1804
- 1> 1805
- 13> 1806
- 4> 1807
- 2> 1808
- 3> 1809
- 1> 1810
- 3> 1811
- 9> 1812
- 5> 1813
- 7> 1814
- 4> 1815
- 2> 1816
- 10> 1817
- 10> 1818
- 7> 1819
- 10> 1820
- 1> 1821
- 13> 1822
- 6> 1823
- 5> 1824
- 9> 1825
- 9> 1826
- 11> 1827
- 15> 1828
- 8> 1829
- 1> 182u
- 18> 1830
- 14> 1831
- 11> 1832
- 15> 1833
- 16> 1834
- 9> 1835
- 8> 1836
- 17> 1837
- 17> 1838
- 13> 1839
- 1> 183u
- 13> 1840
- 20> 1841
- 19> 1842
- 19> 1843
- 20> 1844
- 21> 1845
- 20> 1846
- 19> 1847
- 38> 1848
- 25> 1849
- 3> 184u
- 33> 1850
- 21> 1851
- 16> 1852
- 18> 1853
- 16> 1854
- 20> 1855
- 19> 1856
- 18> 1857
- 15> 1858
- 12> 1859
- 16> 1860
- 11> 1861
- 14> 1862
- 16> 1863
- 8> 1864
- 17> 1865
- 17> 1866
- 9> 1867
- 11> 1868
- 6> 1869
- 1> 186u
- 4> 1870
- 1> 1871
- 1> 1887
- 25> 18uu
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- 1> Abacus
- 1> Abbreviations.
- 1> Abel, Niels Henrik, - 1802-1829 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 1> Aberration.
- 1> Aberration - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Académie des sciences (France)
- 1> Académie impériale et royale des sciences et belles-lettres (Belgium)
- 1> Acceleration (Mechanics)
- 1> Accounting.
- 1> Adams, John Quincy, - 1767-1848. - Report upon weights and measures.
- 1> Air flow.
- 1> Albèri, Eugenio, - 1809-1878. - Dell'orologio à pendolo di Galileo Galilei.
- 2> Algebra, Universal.
- 18> Algebra.
- 7> Algebra - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Algebra - History.
- 6> Algebraic functions.
- 2> Algebraic number theory.
- 1> Algebra - Problems, exercises, etc.
- 1> Algebras, Linear.
- 1> Algeria - History - 1516-1830 - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Algorithms.
- 3> Analytic functions.
- 1> Anatomical specimens - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Angles (Geometry)
- 1> Angles (Geometry) - Measurement.
- 1> Animal communication - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Animals - Nomenclature.
- 1> Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris.
- 1> Annuities.
- 1> Annuities - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Apollonius, - of Perga.
- 1> Apologetics - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Approximation theory.
- 2> Arbitrary constants.
- 1> Arches.
- 1> Archimedes. - De insidentibus aquae.
- 2> Archimedes. - De sphaera et cylindro.
- 1> Archimedes. - Dimensio circuli.
- 1> Aristotle - Early works to 1800.
- 6> Arithmetic.
- 1> Arithmetic - Dictionaries - Early works to 1800.
- 19> Arithmetic - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Arithmetic - Early works to 1900.
- 4> Arithmetic - History.
- 1> Arithmetic - Manuscripts.
- 3> Arithmetic - Study and teaching.
- 1> Artesian wells - France.
- 2> Astrolabes - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astrology.
- 1> Astronomers - Italy - Biography.
- 3> Astronomical instruments.
- 3> Astronomical instruments - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astronomy, Ancient.
- 1> Astronomy, Chinese - History.
- 1> Astronomy, Egyptian.
- 1> Astronomy, Greek - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astronomy, Hindu.
- 3> Astronomy.
- 8> Astronomy - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astronomy - History.
- 1> Astronomy - Observations.
- 1> Astronomy Observations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astronomy - Registers.
- 1> Astronomy - Tables.
- 3> Atmosphere.
- 2> Atmospheric pressure.
- 4> Attractions.
- 1> Attractions - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Attractions of ellipsoids.
- 1> Attractions of ellipsoids - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Augustus Frederick, - Duke of Sussex, - 1773-1843.
- 1> Average.
- 1> Baily, Francis, - 1774-1844 - Contributions in astronomy.
- 1> Ballistics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Barham, R. H. Dalton - (Richard Harris Dalton), - 1815-1886. - Life and remains of Theodore Edward Hook.
- 1> Barometers - History.
- 1> Base measuring.
- 1> Bayer, Johannes. - Uranometria.
- 1> Bell, Charles, - Sir, - 1774-1842.
- 1> Berkeley, George, - 1685-1753.
- 3> Berkeley, George, - 1685-1753. - Analyst.
- 2> Berkeley, George, - 1685-1753. - Defence of free-thinking in mathematics.
- 1> Bernard, Edward, - 1638-1696.
- 1> Bernoulli, Jakob, 1654-1705 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 1> Bibliography.
- 5> Binomial theorem.
- 1> Biot, Jean-Baptiste, - 1774-1862.
- 1> Biot, Jean-Baptiste, - 1774-1862. - Tables barometriques portatives.
- 1> Boerhaave, Herman, - 1668-1738.
- 1> Bonatti, Guido, - 13th cent.
- 1> Bone.
- 1> Bones - Growth.
- 1> Bookkeeping.
- 2> Bookkeeping - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Brahe, Tycho, - 1546-1601 - Early works to 1800
- 1> Breton, P. - (Paul), - 1814-1885.
- 1> Brewster, David, - Sir, - 1781-1868. - Memoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
- 1> Bridges.
- 1> British Association for the Advancement of Science.
- 1> Browning, Henry B. - (Henry Bailey). - Algebra of ratios.
- 1> Buée, Adrien Quentin, - 1748-1826. - Mémoire sur les quantités imaginaires.
- 1> Business mathematics - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Calculators.
- 1> Calculators - History.
- 2> Calculus, Differential.
- 2> Calculus, Integral.
- 1> Calculus, Integral - Early works to 1800.
- 8> Calculus.
- 12> Calculus - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Calculus - England.
- 5> Calculus - History.
- 1> Calculus - History - Sources.
- 1> Calculus of operations.
- 1> Calculus of Variations.
- 2> Calculus of variations.
- 1> Calendar, Egyptian.
- 2> Calendar.
- 1> Cambridge Observatory - Longitudinal studies.
- 1> Cambridge University Library. - Manuscript. - Gg. 3.27.
- 1> Card games.
- 1> Carnot, Lazare, - 1753-1823. - Réflexions sur la métaphysique du calcul infinistésimal.
- 2> Cartography - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Cataloging.
- 3> Caustics (Optics)
- 2> Celestial mechanics.
- 8> Celestial mechanics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Challis, James, - 1803-1882 - Knowledge - Physics.
- 1> Chance - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Chemistry - History.
- 1> Chess.
- 1> Chess - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Chronology, Egyptian.
- 2> Chronometers.
- 1> Church calendar.
- 1> Ciphers - Early works to 1800.
- 7> Circle.
- 2> Circle - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Circle-squaring.
- 1> Circle-squaring
- 5> Circle-squaring - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Classification of sciences.
- 1> Clocks and watches.
- 1> Clocks and watches - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Clocks and watches - Escapements.
- 2> Coinage.
- 2> Coinage - Great Britain.
- 1> Coins, Ancient - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Collins, John, - 1625-1683. - Commercium epistolicum.
- 1> Color blindness.
- 1> Columns.
- 3> Combinations.
- 2> Combinations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Comets.
- 1> Comets - 1805.
- 4> Comets - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Comets - Orbits.
- 2> Compass.
- 1> Cone.
- 1> Congruences and residues.
- 1> Conics, Spherical.
- 10> Conic sections.
- 3> Conic sections - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Constants of integration.
- 1> Constellations.
- 1> Constellations - Registers.
- 1> Continued fractions.
- 1> Continued fractions - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Continuity.
- 1> Convergence.
- 1> Coordinates, Tangential.
- 1> Coordinates.
- 1> Copernicus, Nicolaus, - 1473-1543. - De revolutionibus.
- 1> Copernicus, Nicolaus, - 1473-1543 - Influence.
- 1> Copernicus, Nicolaus, - 1473-1543 - Portraits.
- 1> Corpus luteum.
- 4> Cosmography - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Cotes, Roger, - 1682-1716 - Correspondence.
- 1> Cotton trade - India.
- 1> Crustacea.
- 3> Crystallography, Mathematical.
- 1> Crystallography.
- 1> Crystal optics.
- 1> Crystals - Classification.
- 1> Crystals - Mathematical models.
- 1> Crystals - Notation.
- 1> Cube root - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Currency question - Great Britain.
- 1> Curves, Algebraic.
- 1> Curves, Algebraic - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Curves, Cubic.
- 8> Curves, Plane.
- 2> Curves, Quartic.
- 25> Curves.
- 4> Curves - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Curves - Early works to 1800
- 1> Curves of double curvature - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Curves on surfaces.
- 2> Curves on surfaces - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Cyclodes.
- 2> Cylinder (Mathematics)
- 1> Cynictis.
- 1> Dargle River (Ireland) - Poetry.
- 1> Davies, Thomas Stephens, - 1794?-1851. - Geometry and geometers.
- 1> Decimal fractions - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Decimal system.
- 1> Deep-sea sounding.
- 12> Definite integrals.
- 1> Definite integrals - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Definite integrals - Tables.
- 1> De Morgan, Augustus, - 1806-1871.
- 1> De Morgan, Augustus, - 1806-1871. - On the approaching simplification of the coinage.
- 1> De Morgan, Augustus, - 1806-1871. - On the early history of the signs [plus] and [minus].
- 4> Determinants.
- 1> Dialing - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Diameter (Geometry)
- 1> Dickson, William, - fl. 1789-1815.
- 3> Differentiable functions.
- 3> Differential calculus.
- 2> Differential calculus - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Differential-difference equations.
- 6> Differential equations, Linear.
- 8> Differential equations, Partial.
- 5> Differential equations, Partial - Early works to 1800.
- 11> Differential equations.
- 1> Differential equations - Dynamics.
- 3> Differential equations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Differential equations - Numerical solutions.
- 2> Diffraction.
- 1> Diophantine analysis - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Diophantine equations.
- 1> Diophantine equations - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Discontinuous functions.
- 1> Divergent series.
- 1> Diving bells.
- 3> Division.
- 2> Double stars.
- 1> Dutch War, 1672-1678 - Naval operations - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Dynamics.
- 1> Dynamics of a particle.
- 1> Earth.
- 2> Earth - Density.
- 1> Earth - Figure.
- 1> Earth - Rotation
- 2> Earth - Rotation - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Echo - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Ecole polytechnique (France) - History.
- 3> Economics, Mathematical.
- 1> Edleston, Joseph, - d. 1895. - Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes.
- 1> Education, Higher.
- 1> Education, Humanistic.
- 1> Education - Periodicals.
- 1> Elasticity.
- 1> Elastic solids.
- 1> Elastic solids - Measurement.
- 2> Electric conductors.
- 2> Electricity.
- 1> Electric lighting.
- 4> Electrodynamics.
- 1> Electromagnetism.
- 6> Elimination.
- 4> Ellipse.
- 2> Ellipse - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Ellipsoid.
- 6> Elliptic functions.
- 1> Encyclopedias and dictionaries - Early works to 1600.
- 1> England and Wales. - Royal Navy - Early works to 1800.
- 1> England - Population - Early works to 1800.
- 1> England - Statistics, Vital - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Epicycloids and hypocycloids.
- 2> Equations, Abelian.
- 2> Equations, Cubic.
- 2> Equations, Quadratic.
- 11> Equations, Roots of.
- 1> Equations, Roots of - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Equations, Simultaneous.
- 6> Equations, Theory of.
- 19> Equations.
- 1> Equations (Linear)
- 4> Equations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Equations - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- 12> Equations - Numerical solutions.
- 2> Equations - Numerical solutions - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Equations of motion.
- 2> Equilibrium.
- 2> Error analysis (Mathematics)
- 8> Euclid's Elements.
- 6> Euclid's Elements - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Euclid's Elements - Study and teaching.
- 1> Euler, Leonhard, - 1707-1783 - Criticism and interpretation.
- 1> Exponents (Algebra)
- 2> Factors (Algebra)
- 1> Fermat, Pierre de, - 1601-1665.
- 1> Fermat numbers.
- 3> Fibonacci, Leonardo, - ca. 1170-ca. 1240.
- 1> Fibonacci, Leonardo, - ca. 1170-ca. 1240. - Liber quadratorum.
- 1> Fibonacci, Leonardo, - ca. 1170-ca. 1240 - Manuscripts.
- 2> Fibonacci numbers.
- 1> Finite differences.
- 1> Fireworks - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Flexure.
- 1> Fluid dynamics.
- 2> Fluid mechanics.
- 1> Fluids.
- 1> Force and energy.
- 6> Forms (Mathematics)
- 1> Fortification - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, - baron, - 1768-1830.
- 2> Fourier series.
- 2> Fractions.
- 1> Freemasonry - England - History.
- 1> Fresnel, Augustin Jean, - 1788-1827.
- 2> Functional equations.
- 1> Functional equations - Numerical solutions.
- 1> Functions, Continuous.
- 17> Functions.
- 2> Functions - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Functions of several complex variables.
- 1> Gaging - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gaging - Tables - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Galilei, Galileo, - 1564-1642 - Early works to 1800
- 1> Galilei, Galileo, - 1564-1642 - Knowledge and learning - Mechanics.
- 1> Galilei, Galileo, - 1564-1642 - Trials, litigation, etc.
- 1> Gambling.
- 1> Gambling - Mathematical models.
- 1> Games - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Games of chance (Mathematics)
- 1> Games of chance (Mathematics) - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gas dynamics.
- 1> Geodesics (Mathematics)
- 1> Geodesy.
- 1> Geodesy - Great Britain.
- 1> Geography, Mathematical - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geography - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geomagnetism - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geometrical constructions.
- 1> Geometrical optics.
- 1> Geometric probabilities.
- 2> Geometry, Algebraic.
- 1> Geometry, Algebraic - Early works to 1800.
- 7> Geometry, Analytic.
- 1> Geometry, Analytic - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geometry, Descriptive.
- 2> Geometry, Differential.
- 1> Geometry, Infinitesimal - History.
- 5> Geometry, Plane.
- 5> Geometry, Plane - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geometry, Solid.
- 1> Geometry, Solid - Early works to 1800.
- 16> Geometry.
- 24> Geometry - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geometry - England - Study and teaching.
- 1> Geometry - History.
- 1> Geometry - History - England - Lancashire.
- 2> Geometry - Problems, exercises, etc.
- 1> Geometry - Study and teaching - Arab countries - History.
- 1> Gibraltar - History - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gifted children - England - History - 19th century.
- 1> Gifted children - England - History - 19th century - Posters.
- 1> Glencoe Massacre, 1692 - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Goniometry.
- 1> Grammar, Comparative and general - Article.
- 1> Grammar, Comparative and general - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Grammar, Comparative and general - Pronoun.
- 1> Graphic arts - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Gravitation.
- 3> Gravitation - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gravity - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Great Britain - History, Naval - Stuarts, 1603-1714 - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gunnery.
- 2> Gunnery - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gymnastics - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Hachette, - M. - (Jean Nicolas Pierre), - 1769-1834.
- 1> Halley's comet - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Hamilton, William, - Sir, - 1788-1856.
- 1> Hamilton, William Rowan, - Sir, - 1805-1865.
- 1> Hansen, P. A. - (Peter Andreas), - 1795-1874. - Tables de la lune.
- 2> Harmonic functions.
- 1> Harriot, Thomas, - 1560-1621 - Archives.
- 3> Heat.
- 1> Herschel, John F. W. - (John Frederick William), - Sir, - 1792-1871. - Results of astronomical observations.
- 1> Hindu astronomy.
- 1> Historiography - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Hodograph.
- 1> Hoisington, Henry Richard, - 1801-1858.
- 2> Hook, Theodore Edward, - 1788-1841.
- 1> Horner, Francis, - 1778-1817.
- 1> Horology - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Huntington, Robert, - 1637-1701 - orrespondence.
- 1> Huygens, Christiaan, - 1629-1695.
- 1> Hydrology - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Hydrostatics - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Hyperbola.
- 1> India - Economic conditions.
- 1> Infinite.
- 1> Insurance, Life - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Insurance, Life - Mathematics.
- 1> Insurance, Life - Rates.
- 1> Insurance, Life - Tables.
- 1> Insurance (Life) - Periodicals.
- 1> Insurance companies.
- 1> Insurance - Periodicals.
- 1> Integral equations.
- 2> Integrals, Definite.
- 1> Integrals, Logarithmic.
- 3> Integrals.
- 1> Integro-differential equations.
- 1> Intellect - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Intersection theory.
- 1> Intonation (Musical pitch)
- 1> Involutes (Mathematics)
- 1> Irrational numbers.
- 1> Irrigation - France - Equipment and supplies.
- 1> Isometric projection.
- 1> Jacobi, C. G. J. - (Carl Gustav Jakob), - 1804-1851 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 1> Jerrard, George Birch, - d. 1863. - Mathematical researches. - Part the first.
- 1> Jonquières, E. de - (Ernest de), - 1820-1901. - Documents relatifs à une réclamation de priorité.
- 1> Jonquières, E. de - (Ernest de), - 1820-1901. - Recherches sur les séries ou systèmes de courbes et de surfaces algébraiques d'ordre quelconque.
- 1> Jonquières, E. de - (Ernest de), - 1820-1901 - Criticism and interpretation.
- 1> Jupiter (Planet)
- 1> Jurin, James, - 1684-1750. - Geometry no friend to infidelity.
- 1> Kater, Henry, - 1777-1835. - Account of the construction and adjustment of the new standards of weights and measures of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
- 1> Kepler, Johannes, - 1571-1630. - Works.
- 1> Kepler, Johannes, - 1571-1630 - Early works to 1800
- 1> Kepler's equation.
- 1> Kepler's laws.
- 2> Kinematics.
- 1> Knowledge, Theory of.
- 1> Lagrange, J. L. - (Joseph Louis), - 1736-1813.
- 1> Land use - Taxation.
- 1> Laplace, Pierre Simon, - marquis de, - 1749-1827 - Anecdotes.
- 2> Laplace transformation.
- 1> Latitude.
- 8> Least squares.
- 1> Legal tender - Great Britain.
- 1> Legendre, A. M. - (Adrien Marie), - 1752-1833.
- 2> Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, - Freiherr von, - 1646-1716.
- 4> Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, - Freiherr von, - 1646-1716 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 1> Length measurement - Great Britain - History.
- 1> Le Sage, Georges-Louis, - 1676-1759 - Knowledge - Mathematics.
- 1> Leslie, John, - Sir, - 1766-1832. - Elements of geometry.
- 1> Lettering.
- 1> Library catalogs.
- 1> Libri, Guillaume, - 1803-1869 - Library.
- 1> Life annuities - Early works to 1800.
- 6> Light.
- 2> Light - Scattering.
- 1> Light - Speed.
- 1> Liquids - Thermal properties.
- 1> Logarithmic functions.
- 14> Logarithms.
- 6> Logarithms - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Logarithms - Tables.
- 5> Logic, Symbolic and mathematical.
- 5> Logic.
- 1> Logic - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Logic - Study and teaching - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Longitude.
- 2> Longitude - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Longitude - Tables - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Lunar eclipses - 1757.
- 1> Lunar theory.
- 1> Madhu Rao - I, - Peshwa, - 1744?-1772 - Correspondence.
- 1> Magic squares.
- 1> Magnetic declination.
- 1> Magnetic measurements.
- 2> Magnetism of ships.
- 2> Malfatti's problem.
- 1> Manufacturing processes.
- 1> Mariette, Auguste, - 1821-1881.
- 10> Mathematical analysis.
- 1> Mathematical constants.
- 1> Mathematical instruments.
- 1> Mathematical literature.
- 9> Mathematical notation.
- 2> Mathematical physics.
- 1> Mathematical physics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematical recreations.
- 5> Mathematical recreations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematicians - Biography.
- 7> Mathematicians - Correspondence.
- 1> Mathematicians - England - Biography.
- 2> Mathematicians - France - Biography.
- 1> Mathematicians - France - Correspondence.
- 1> Mathematicians - Great Britain - Biography.
- 1> Mathematicians - Great Britain - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics, Arab.
- 1> Mathematics, Arab - History.
- 1> Mathematics, Arabic.
- 1> Mathematics, Arabic - Bio-bibliography.
- 1> Mathematics, Arab - Manuscripts.
- 2> Mathematics, Chinese.
- 4> Mathematics, Greek.
- 3> Mathematics, Greek - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics, Greek - Study and teaching - Arab countries - History.
- 1> Mathematics, Hindu.
- 13> Mathematics.
- 2> Mathematics - Bibliography.
- 1> Mathematics - Bibliography - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics - Correspondence - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Mathematics - Dictionaries.
- 2> Mathematics - Dictionaries - Early works to 1800.
- 54> Mathematics - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Mathematics - Formulae.
- 1> Mathematics - France - History - 19th century.
- 5> Mathematics - History.
- 1> Mathematics - History - 18th century.
- 1> Mathematics - History - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics - Italy - History.
- 2> Mathematics - Periodicals.
- 1> Mathematics - Periodicals - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics - Philosophy.
- 7> Mathematics - Philosophy - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics - Popular works.
- 5> Mathematics - Problems, exercises, etc.
- 1> Mathematics - Scotland - Edinburgh - Study and teaching.
- 3> Mathematics - Study and teaching.
- 2> Mathematics - Tables.
- 1> Mathematics - Tables - History.
- 1> Mathematics - Terminology.
- 1> Measuring instruments.
- 1> Mechanical drawing.
- 1> Mechanics, Analytic.
- 1> Mechanics, Celestial.
- 2> Mechanics.
- 13> Mechanics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Medical laws and legislation - Great Britain - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mediterranean Sea - Description and travel - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Meibom, Marcus, - 1630-1711. - De proportionibus dialogus.
- 1> Mensuration - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Mental arithmetic.
- 1> Mersenne, Marin, - 1588-1648.
- 1> Meteorological stations - Algeria.
- 1> Meteors.
- 1> Meteors - Catalogs.
- 1> Microscopes - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Military art and science - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Minimal surfaces - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Molecules - Magnetic properties - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mollusks.
- 1> Monastic libraries - England.
- 1> Monastic libraries - England - Ramsey.
- 1> Moon - Orbit.
- 1> Moon - Rotation.
- 1> Moon - Tables.
- 4> Mortality.
- 1> Mortality - Tables.
- 7> Motion.
- 1> Mountains.
- 1> Muḥammad Abū Bakr al-Fārsī.
- 1> Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von, - 1733-1811 - Library.
- 1> Music, Greek and Roman - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Music - Acoustics and physics.
- 1> Musical intervals and scales.
- 1> Music and science.
- 1> Music - Dictionaries - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Music - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Nana Phadnis, - 1742-1800.
- 1> Nana Phadnis, - 1742-1800 - Correspondence.
- 2> Nautical astronomy.
- 1> Nautical instruments.
- 1> Navigation.
- 2> Navigation - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Navigation - Instruments - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Nebulae.
- 1> Nervous system.
- 1> Netherlands - Church history - 17th century.
- 5> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727.
- 2> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727. - Method of fluxions.
- 1> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727. - Principia.
- 1> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727 - Authorship.
- 5> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 2> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727 - Correspondence.
- 1> Nicomachus, - of Gerasa. - Introductio arithmetica
- 2> Noakes, George, - b. 1819.
- 14> Numbers, Complex.
- 2> Numbers, complex.
- 1> Numbers, complex - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Numbers, Polygonal - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Numbers, Prime.
- 1> Numbers, Prime - Early works to 1800.
- 6> Number theory.
- 1> Number theory - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Numerals - History.
- 1> Numeration, Indic - History.
- 2> Numerical integration.
- 1> Observatoire de Paris.
- 1> Optical instruments - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Optics, Physical.
- 1> Optics.
- 1> Optics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Oscillations.
- 1> Ovals.
- 2> Panizzi, Anthony, - Sir, - 1797-1879.
- 1> Parallelograms.
- 3> Parallels (Geometry)
- 4> Partitions (Mathematics)
- 1> Peacock, George, - 1791-1858. - Treatise on algebra.
- 1> Peasantry - England - History - Medieval period, 1066-1485.
- 2> Pendulum.
- 1> Pentagon.
- 1> Periodic functions.
- 2> Permutations.
- 2> Permutations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Perpetual calendars.
- 1> Perpetual calendars - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Perspective.
- 1> Perspective - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Perturbation (Astronomy)
- 1> Philology - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Philosophers - Germany - Biography.
- 1> Philosophy, Medieval.
- 1> Physical sciences - Dictionaries.
- 1> Physicians - Netherlands - Biography.
- 1> Physicists - France - Biography.
- 4> Physics.
- 2> Physics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Physics - History.
- 1> Planetary theory.
- 1> Planetary theory - History.
- 2> Plane trigonometry.
- 2> Planets.
- 1> Planets - Orbits - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Platonic number - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Polarization (Light)
- 5> Polygons.
- 4> Polyhedra.
- 7> Porisms.
- 1> Porisms - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Potassium cyanide.
- 1> Potential theory (Mathematics)
- 1> Poudra, Noël Germinal, - 1794-1894. - Traité de perspective-relief.
- 1> Powell, W. S. - (William Samuel), - 1717-1775. - Observations on the first chapter of a book called Miscellanea analytica.
- 1> Precession.
- 1> Pressure.
- 8> Probabilities.
- 2> Probabilities - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Processes, Infinite.
- 1> Projectiles - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Proportion.
- 1> Proposition (Logic)
- 1> Pyramid (Geometry) - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Quadrant - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Quadratic differentials.
- 8> Quaternions.
- 5> Quintic equations.
- 4> Radiation.
- 2> Railroads - Belgium.
- 2> Ratio and proportion.
- 1> Ratio and proportion - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Ready-reckoners.
- 1> Reflecting telescopes.
- 4> Reflection (Optics)
- 1> Reflections on the theory of the infinitesimal calculus.
- 1> Reformed Church. - Netherlands - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Refraction, Astronomical.
- 1> Refraction, Astronomical - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Refraction, Double.
- 4> Refraction.
- 1> Regiomontanus, Joannes, - 1436-1476 - Autographs.
- 1> Relief (Art)
- 5> Religion and science - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Rent.
- 1> Rhäticus, Georg Joachim, - 1514-1576. - Canon doctrinae triangulorum.
- 1> Rooke, George, - Sir, - 1650-1709.
- 3> Rotational motion.
- 1> Royal College of Physicians of London.
- 1> Royal Observatory, Greenwich - Instruments.
- 2> Royal Society. - Library - Catalogs.
- 1> Royal Society (Great Britain). - Library.
- 1> Royal Society (Great Britain) - History.
- 1> Royal Society (Great Britain) - History - 19th century.
- 2> Royal Society (Great Britain) - History - Controversial literature.
- 1> Rudolff, Christoff.
- 1> Rupert, - Prince, Count Palatine, - 1619-1682.
- 1> Salts.
- 1> Salvage - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Scales (Weighing instruments)
- 1> Science, Medieval.
- 2> Science.
- 1> Science - Correspondence - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Science - Dictionaries.
- 3> Science - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Science - Encyclopedias.
- 1> Science - France - History - 18th century.
- 1> Science - History.
- 1> Science - Popular works.
- 1> Scientific apparatus and instruments.
- 1> Scientific apparatus and instruments - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Scientific recreations.
- 4> Scientific recreations - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Scientists - Correspondence.
- 1> Scotland - Politics and government - 1689-1745 - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Series, Arithmetic.
- 5> Series, Infinite.
- 1> Series, Infinite - Early works to 1800.
- 11> Series.
- 1> Series - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Sextant.
- 1> Signs and symbols.
- 1> Simson, Robert, - 1687-1768. - Treatise concerning porisms.
- 2> Slide-rule.
- 1> Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
- 1> Solar eclipses - 1851.
- 2> Solar system.
- 1> Sound production in animals - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Sound-waves.
- 1> Specific gravity - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Sphere.
- 1> Spherical astronomy.
- 2> Spherical trigonometry.
- 1> Spherical trigonometry - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Square.
- 2> Square root.
- 1> Square root - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Standards of length.
- 1> Stars.
- 1> Stars - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Stars - Proper motion.
- 1> Steam.
- 1> Sturm, Charles-François, - 1803-1855.
- 1> Summability theory.
- 3> Sundials - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Sun - Rising and setting.
- 1> Sun - Rising and setting - Tables - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Surfaces, Algebraic.
- 1> Surfaces, Isothermic.
- 2> Surfaces, Orthogonal.
- 1> Surfaces, Pedal.
- 6> Surfaces.
- 2> Surfaces - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Surveying - Early works to 1800.
- 6> Syllogism.
- 1> Sylvester, James Joseph, - 1814-1897.
- 3> Symmetric functions.
- 1> Tangier (Morocco) - Description and travel - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Tangier (Morocco) - History - 17th century.
- 1> Temperature.
- 1> Temperature measurements.
- 1> Texture (Crystallography)
- 2> Theodolites.
- 1> Theology, Doctrinal - Early works to 1800.
- 1> The oriental astronomer.
- 1> Thieme, Frederick Eduard.
- 1> Thought and thinking - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Time measurements.
- 1> Time measurements - Instruments.
- 1> Tokens - Great Britain.
- 4> Transcendental functions.
- 2> Transformations (Mathematics)
- 4> Triangle - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Trigonometrical functions.
- 3> Trigonometry.
- 3> Trigonometry - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Trigonometry - History.
- 1> Trigonometry - Problems, exercises, etc.
- 2> Trigonometry - Tables.
- 1> Trigonometry - Terminology.
- 1> Triples, Theory of.
- 3> Trisection of angle.
- 1> Universities and colleges - England - London.
- 1> University College, London.
- 2> University College, London - Examinations.
- 1> University of Edinburgh - Curricula.
- 1> Uranus (Planet)
- 1> Value distribution theory.
- 1> Vapors.
- 2> Variables (Mathematics)
- 1> Vernal equinox.
- 4> Vibration.
- 1> Vibration - Measurement.
- 1> Wales - Population - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Wales - Statistics, Vital - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Walton, Jacob, - d. 1743. - Vindication of Sir Isaac Newton's Principles of fluxions.
- 1> Weights and measures, Ancient - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Weights and measures.
- 1> Weights and measures - France.
- 1> Weights and measures - Great Britain - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Weights and measures - Great Britain - Law and legislation.
- 1> Weights and measures - Law and legislation - Great Britain.
- 1> Weights and measures - Tables.
- 1> Weld, Charles Richard, - 1813-1869. - History of the Royal Society.
- 1> Whewell, William, - 1794-1866. - History of the inductive sciences.
- 1> Whirligigs.
- 1> Widmann, Johann. - Compendio arithmeticae mercatorum.
- 1> Woepcke, Franz, - 1826-1864. - Essai d'une restitution des travaux perdus.
- 1> Wright, Thomas, - 1711-1786.
- 1> Yolland, William. - Account of the measurement of the Lough Foyle base in Ireland.
- 1> Zodiac.
- 1> Zodiacal light.
- 1> Zoology - Catalogs and collections - Early works to 1800.
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- The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection x
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Séance publique annuelle des quatre académies, du jeudi 24 avril 1828
Institut royal de France., <br>- Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph,baron,1768-1830., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Oeuvres complètes de N.H. Abel, mathematicien ::avec des notes et développements > Volume 2
Partial (No exact match found)
Abstracts of communications to the Royal Irish Academy made in the years 1847, 1848, and 1849
Hamilton, William Rowan,Sir,1805-1865., <br>- Hamilton, William Rowan,Sir,1805-1865,inscriber., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
The discovery of a general resolution of all superior finite equations of every numerical, both algebraick and transcendent form
Vogel, A. F., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Description of the table part of the new calculating machine invented by Thomas Fowler of Great Torrington, Devon, in 1842 ::and which is now open for public inspection in the museum of King's College, London.
Fowler, Thomas., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Démonstration d'un théoreme d'arithmétique
Lagrange, J. L.(Joseph Louis),1736-1813., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Researches respecting quaternions ::first series
Hamilton, William Rowan,Sir,1805-1865., <br>- Hamilton, William Rowan,Sir,1805-1865,associated name., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Christiani Hugenii aliorumque seculi XVII virorum celebrium exercitationes mathematicae et philosophicae ::ex manuscriptis in Bibliotheca Academicae Lugduno-Batavae
Huygens, Christiaan,1629-1695., <br>- Uylenbroek, Pieter Johannes,ca. 1797-1844., <br>- Uylenbroek, Pieter Johannes,ca. 1797-1844,inscriber., <br>- Baily, Francis,1774-1844,former owner., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Virorum celeberr. Got. Gul. Leibnitii et Johan. Bernoullii Commercium philosophicum et mathematicum. > Volume 1
Partial (No exact match found)