The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: the-augustus-de-morgan-Collection Id-2]' returned 1,160 results.

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On a direct method of estimating velocities, accelerations and all similar quantites with respect to axes moveable in any manner of space ::with applications

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Elementary proof that eight perimeters of the regular inscribed polygon of twenty sides exceed twenty-five diameters of the circle

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An introduction to the doctrine of fluxions and defence of the mathematicians against the objections of the author of the Analyst, so far as they are designed to affect their general methods of reasoning.

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Memoires and correspondence of Francis Horner.

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Notice of the astronomical tables of Mohammed Abibeker al Farsi, two copies of which are preserved in the public library of the University of Cambridge

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The theory of double refraction

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Recherches sur l'année vague des Égyptiens

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Theōnos Smyrnaiou Platōnikou tōn kata mathēmatikēn chrēsimōn eis tēn tou Platōnos anagnōsin =:Theonis Smyrnaei Platonici, Eorum, quae in mathematicis ad Platonis lectionem vtilia sunt, expositio : e bibliotheca Thuana

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On a new auxiliary equation in the theory of equations of the fifth order

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