The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection

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Sur un problème traité par Léonard e Pise dans son Flos, et relatif à une équation de troisième degré

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Intorno ad otto manoscritti arabi di matematica posseduti dal Ch. Sig. Guglielmo Libri ::con una note.

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Mémoire sur quelques effets d'attraction ou de répulsion apparente entre les molécules de matière

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Sur la courbure d'une serie de surfaces, et de lignes

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On the diffraction of an object-glass with circular aperture ::from the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. V, Part III

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Correspondance [sic] of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes, etc ...

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Observations on the structure and development of bone

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Biographical notice of Jean-Baptiste Biot.

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Geometrical theorems, exhibiting some newly-arrived-at properties of polygons, with respect to points, lines and circles

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On probability.

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A dissertation on weights and measures, and the best means of revising them ::published originally in the British Review, No. XVII, 1817.

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On the principle of continuity in reference to certain results of analysis

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On the opinion of Copernicus with respect to the light of planets

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On the general equation of surfaces of the second degree ::from the Transaction of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. V, part I

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Description d'un appareil électro-dynamique

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Figure of the earth.

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A discourse touching Tangier ::in a letter to a person of quality. To which is added, The interest of Tanger

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Jottings on the science of the Chinese arithmetic.

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An algebra of ratios, founded on simple and general definitions ... by Henry B. Browning ... ::[review]

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Rapport sur un mémoire de M. F. Woepcke intitulé Essai d'une restitution des travaux perdus d'Apollonius sur les quantités irrationnelles, d'après des indications tirées d'un manuscrit arabe

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A demonstration of the quadrature of the circle

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Mémoire sur la détermination des fonctions arbitraires qui entrent dans les intégrales des équations aux différences partielles

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Historical notices respecting an ancient problem.

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Secret correspondence of the court of the peshwa Madhu Rao, from the year 1761 to 1772

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Observatio eclipsis lunae die 30 Julii 1757

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General methods in analysis for the resolution of linear equations in finite differences and linear differential equations

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On tradesmen's tokens.

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A reply to an article in no. 7 of the Bath and Bristol Magazine, entitled A review of "Mathematical researches, part the first, by G.B. Jerrard, B.A."

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Abstracts of papers read before the Royal Irish Academy

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Analytical researches connected with Steiner's extension of Malfatti's problem

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Remarks on Horner's method of solving equations

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On the derivation of the word theodolite

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La vérité sur le procès de Galilée

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The progress of the doctrine of the earth's motion, hetween the times of Copernicus and Galileo ::being notes on the antegalilean Copernicans.

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Mémoire sur le nombre de valeurs que peut prendre une fonction ::quand on y permute les lettres qu'elle renferme

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Nouvelles études sur les réfractions atmosphériques / par M. Biot.

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On the authorship of the account of the Commercium epistolicum

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Calculs pour l'opposition de Jupiter en 1770

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Mémoire sur l'attraction des ellipsoïdes ::solution synthétique pour le cas général d'un ellipsoïde hétérogène et d'un point extérieur

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Dell'orologio à pendolo di Galileo Galilei ::dissertation de M. Eugenio Albèri

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Second memoir on the intrinsic equation of a curve, and its application

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Francisci à Schooten Exercitationum mathematicarum libri quinque.:Quibus accedit Christiani Hugenii tractatus De ratiociniis in aleae ludo.

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Analogous properties of co-ordinates of elliptic and hyperbolic sectors

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An organized method of making the resolution required in the integration of rational fractions

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A sure and easy method of learning to count

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In Archimedis Circuli dimensionem expositio & analysis ::apologie pro Archimede, ad claris. virum Iosephum Scaligerum : exercitationes cyclicae contra Iosephum Scaligerum, Orontium Finaeum & Raymarum Ursum, in decem dialogos distinctae /

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Mémoire de géométrie pure sur les propriétés générales des cones du second degré

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Decimal association ::reply to statements in favour of a ten-penny unit.

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On the structure of the syllogism, and on the application of the theory of probabilities to questions of argument and authority

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Elements of spherical trigonometry

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Methods of integrating partial differential equations

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Hints on porisms ::in a letter to T.S. Davies ... with a scholium not contained in the letter : being a sequel to the two tracts on 'Imaginary quantities', published in 1817 and 1818

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A table for the easy formation of anti-logarithms of twelve or any less number of places ::with its application also to the converse problem of the formation of logarithms

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Mémoire sur la résolution des équations dont le degré est une puissance d'un nombre prèmier

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Account of the construction of the new national standard of length and of its principal copies

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Address of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex ... the President ::read at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, on Thursday, November 30, 1837.

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Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica

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Institut de France, Académie royale des sciences ::funérailles de M. Hachette

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IIe mémoire sur les polygones et les polyèdres ::lu à la première classe de l'Institut dans la séance du 20 janvier 1812

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Rettificazione delle formule per assegnare il numero delle somme ognuna di due quadrati ::nelle quali un intero può spezzarsi

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A memoir upon caustics

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Observations on the address by the President and on the statement by the council to the Fellows of the Royal Society, respecting Mr. Panizzi, read at their general meeting, Nov. 30, 1837.

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Note on the theory of logarithms

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[double] An introductory memoir upon quantics

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The two books of Apollonius Pergaeus, concerning tangencies ::as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus : with a supplement

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On the double tangents of a curve of the fourth order

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Mémoire sur divers points d'analyse

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Sopra le diferenti formole esprimenti i raggi delle due curvature di una linea tracciata sulla superficie di una sfera

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On the square roots of negative quantities

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On the summation of series and on definite integration

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Two elementary solutions of Kepler's problem by the angular calculus

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