The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection
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- 4> 1514
- 1> 1523
- 1> 1524
- 1> 1532
- 1> 1533
- 1> 1534
- 3> 1542
- 2> 1544
- 1> 1550
- 3> 1551
- 1> 1554
- 1> 1556
- 1> 1559
- 1> 1567
- 2> 1569
- 1> 1575
- 1> 1578
- 1> 1580
- 1> 1585
- 1> 1587
- 1> 1593
- 1> 1596
- 1> 1597
- 1> 1598
- 2> 1599
- 1> 1600
- 7> 1612
- 2> 1613
- 1> 1615
- 1> 1616
- 2> 1620
- 1> 1623
- 2> 1624
- 5> 1627
- 1> 1631
- 1> 1633
- 1> 1634
- 1> 1635
- 1> 1641
- 1> 1644
- 1> 1646
- 1> 1650
- 1> 1653
- 2> 1657
- 1> 1667
- 1> 1668
- 1> 1670
- 1> 1673
- 1> 1674
- 1> 1675
- 1> 1677
- 1> 1679
- 3> 1680
- 1> 1682
- 1> 1684
- 1> 1685
- 1> 1686
- 5> 1687
- 1> 1688
- 1> 1690
- 1> 1691
- 3> 1693
- 2> 1694
- 1> 1698
- 6> 1699
- 4> 1702
- 1> 1703
- 3> 1704
- 1> 1706
- 1> 1707
- 3> 1708
- 1> 1710
- 1> 1712
- 1> 1713
- 2> 1714
- 2> 1719
- 1> 1721
- 1> 1722
- 1> 1725
- 1> 1727
- 3> 1729
- 3> 1730
- 1> 1733
- 5> 1734
- 8> 1735
- 1> 1736
- 3> 1739
- 2> 1740
- 1> 1741
- 6> 1742
- 2> 1743
- 3> 1744
- 3> 1745
- 2> 1746
- 1> 1747
- 2> 1749
- 1> 1752
- 2> 1753
- 4> 1755
- 3> 1757
- 2> 1758
- 3> 1759
- 1> 1760
- 3> 1761
- 1> 1764
- 1> 1765
- 6> 1770
- 7> 1771
- 7> 1772
- 4> 1773
- 6> 1774
- 4> 1775
- 2> 1776
- 2> 1777
- 1> 1778
- 3> 1779
- 1> 177u
- 3> 1780
- 3> 1781
- 1> 1783
- 4> 1784
- 1> 1785
- 2> 1786
- 3> 1787
- 1> 1788
- 4> 1789
- 7> 1791
- 1> 1793
- 2> 1794
- 1> 1795
- 2> 1798
- 1> 1799
- 1> 17uu
- 2> 1800
- 4> 1801
- 4> 1802
- 4> 1803
- 1> 1804
- 1> 1805
- 13> 1806
- 4> 1807
- 2> 1808
- 3> 1809
- 1> 1810
- 3> 1811
- 9> 1812
- 5> 1813
- 7> 1814
- 4> 1815
- 2> 1816
- 10> 1817
- 10> 1818
- 7> 1819
- 10> 1820
- 1> 1821
- 13> 1822
- 6> 1823
- 5> 1824
- 9> 1825
- 9> 1826
- 11> 1827
- 15> 1828
- 8> 1829
- 1> 182u
- 18> 1830
- 14> 1831
- 11> 1832
- 15> 1833
- 16> 1834
- 9> 1835
- 8> 1836
- 17> 1837
- 17> 1838
- 13> 1839
- 1> 183u
- 13> 1840
- 20> 1841
- 19> 1842
- 19> 1843
- 20> 1844
- 21> 1845
- 20> 1846
- 19> 1847
- 38> 1848
- 25> 1849
- 3> 184u
- 33> 1850
- 21> 1851
- 16> 1852
- 18> 1853
- 16> 1854
- 20> 1855
- 19> 1856
- 18> 1857
- 15> 1858
- 12> 1859
- 16> 1860
- 11> 1861
- 14> 1862
- 16> 1863
- 8> 1864
- 17> 1865
- 17> 1866
- 9> 1867
- 11> 1868
- 6> 1869
- 1> 186u
- 4> 1870
- 1> 1871
- 1> 1887
- 25> 18uu
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- 1> Abacus
- 1> Abbreviations.
- 1> Abel, Niels Henrik, - 1802-1829 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 1> Aberration.
- 1> Aberration - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Académie des sciences (France)
- 1> Académie impériale et royale des sciences et belles-lettres (Belgium)
- 1> Acceleration (Mechanics)
- 1> Accounting.
- 1> Adams, John Quincy, - 1767-1848. - Report upon weights and measures.
- 1> Air flow.
- 1> Albèri, Eugenio, - 1809-1878. - Dell'orologio à pendolo di Galileo Galilei.
- 2> Algebra, Universal.
- 18> Algebra.
- 7> Algebra - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Algebra - History.
- 6> Algebraic functions.
- 2> Algebraic number theory.
- 1> Algebra - Problems, exercises, etc.
- 1> Algebras, Linear.
- 1> Algeria - History - 1516-1830 - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Algorithms.
- 3> Analytic functions.
- 1> Anatomical specimens - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Angles (Geometry)
- 1> Angles (Geometry) - Measurement.
- 1> Animal communication - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Animals - Nomenclature.
- 1> Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris.
- 1> Annuities.
- 1> Annuities - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Apollonius, - of Perga.
- 1> Apologetics - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Approximation theory.
- 2> Arbitrary constants.
- 1> Arches.
- 1> Archimedes. - De insidentibus aquae.
- 2> Archimedes. - De sphaera et cylindro.
- 1> Archimedes. - Dimensio circuli.
- 1> Aristotle - Early works to 1800.
- 6> Arithmetic.
- 1> Arithmetic - Dictionaries - Early works to 1800.
- 19> Arithmetic - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Arithmetic - Early works to 1900.
- 4> Arithmetic - History.
- 1> Arithmetic - Manuscripts.
- 3> Arithmetic - Study and teaching.
- 1> Artesian wells - France.
- 2> Astrolabes - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astrology.
- 1> Astronomers - Italy - Biography.
- 3> Astronomical instruments.
- 3> Astronomical instruments - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astronomy, Ancient.
- 1> Astronomy, Chinese - History.
- 1> Astronomy, Egyptian.
- 1> Astronomy, Greek - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astronomy, Hindu.
- 3> Astronomy.
- 8> Astronomy - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astronomy - History.
- 1> Astronomy - Observations.
- 1> Astronomy Observations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Astronomy - Registers.
- 1> Astronomy - Tables.
- 3> Atmosphere.
- 2> Atmospheric pressure.
- 4> Attractions.
- 1> Attractions - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Attractions of ellipsoids.
- 1> Attractions of ellipsoids - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Augustus Frederick, - Duke of Sussex, - 1773-1843.
- 1> Average.
- 1> Baily, Francis, - 1774-1844 - Contributions in astronomy.
- 1> Ballistics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Barham, R. H. Dalton - (Richard Harris Dalton), - 1815-1886. - Life and remains of Theodore Edward Hook.
- 1> Barometers - History.
- 1> Base measuring.
- 1> Bayer, Johannes. - Uranometria.
- 1> Bell, Charles, - Sir, - 1774-1842.
- 1> Berkeley, George, - 1685-1753.
- 3> Berkeley, George, - 1685-1753. - Analyst.
- 2> Berkeley, George, - 1685-1753. - Defence of free-thinking in mathematics.
- 1> Bernard, Edward, - 1638-1696.
- 1> Bernoulli, Jakob, 1654-1705 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 1> Bibliography.
- 5> Binomial theorem.
- 1> Biot, Jean-Baptiste, - 1774-1862.
- 1> Biot, Jean-Baptiste, - 1774-1862. - Tables barometriques portatives.
- 1> Boerhaave, Herman, - 1668-1738.
- 1> Bonatti, Guido, - 13th cent.
- 1> Bone.
- 1> Bones - Growth.
- 1> Bookkeeping.
- 2> Bookkeeping - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Brahe, Tycho, - 1546-1601 - Early works to 1800
- 1> Breton, P. - (Paul), - 1814-1885.
- 1> Brewster, David, - Sir, - 1781-1868. - Memoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
- 1> Bridges.
- 1> British Association for the Advancement of Science.
- 1> Browning, Henry B. - (Henry Bailey). - Algebra of ratios.
- 1> Buée, Adrien Quentin, - 1748-1826. - Mémoire sur les quantités imaginaires.
- 1> Business mathematics - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Calculators.
- 1> Calculators - History.
- 2> Calculus, Differential.
- 2> Calculus, Integral.
- 1> Calculus, Integral - Early works to 1800.
- 8> Calculus.
- 12> Calculus - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Calculus - England.
- 5> Calculus - History.
- 1> Calculus - History - Sources.
- 1> Calculus of operations.
- 1> Calculus of Variations.
- 2> Calculus of variations.
- 1> Calendar, Egyptian.
- 2> Calendar.
- 1> Cambridge Observatory - Longitudinal studies.
- 1> Cambridge University Library. - Manuscript. - Gg. 3.27.
- 1> Card games.
- 1> Carnot, Lazare, - 1753-1823. - Réflexions sur la métaphysique du calcul infinistésimal.
- 2> Cartography - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Cataloging.
- 3> Caustics (Optics)
- 2> Celestial mechanics.
- 8> Celestial mechanics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Challis, James, - 1803-1882 - Knowledge - Physics.
- 1> Chance - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Chemistry - History.
- 1> Chess.
- 1> Chess - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Chronology, Egyptian.
- 2> Chronometers.
- 1> Church calendar.
- 1> Ciphers - Early works to 1800.
- 7> Circle.
- 2> Circle - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Circle-squaring.
- 1> Circle-squaring
- 5> Circle-squaring - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Classification of sciences.
- 1> Clocks and watches.
- 1> Clocks and watches - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Clocks and watches - Escapements.
- 2> Coinage.
- 2> Coinage - Great Britain.
- 1> Coins, Ancient - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Collins, John, - 1625-1683. - Commercium epistolicum.
- 1> Color blindness.
- 1> Columns.
- 3> Combinations.
- 2> Combinations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Comets.
- 1> Comets - 1805.
- 4> Comets - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Comets - Orbits.
- 2> Compass.
- 1> Cone.
- 1> Congruences and residues.
- 1> Conics, Spherical.
- 10> Conic sections.
- 3> Conic sections - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Constants of integration.
- 1> Constellations.
- 1> Constellations - Registers.
- 1> Continued fractions.
- 1> Continued fractions - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Continuity.
- 1> Convergence.
- 1> Coordinates, Tangential.
- 1> Coordinates.
- 1> Copernicus, Nicolaus, - 1473-1543. - De revolutionibus.
- 1> Copernicus, Nicolaus, - 1473-1543 - Influence.
- 1> Copernicus, Nicolaus, - 1473-1543 - Portraits.
- 1> Corpus luteum.
- 4> Cosmography - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Cotes, Roger, - 1682-1716 - Correspondence.
- 1> Cotton trade - India.
- 1> Crustacea.
- 3> Crystallography, Mathematical.
- 1> Crystallography.
- 1> Crystal optics.
- 1> Crystals - Classification.
- 1> Crystals - Mathematical models.
- 1> Crystals - Notation.
- 1> Cube root - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Currency question - Great Britain.
- 1> Curves, Algebraic.
- 1> Curves, Algebraic - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Curves, Cubic.
- 8> Curves, Plane.
- 2> Curves, Quartic.
- 25> Curves.
- 4> Curves - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Curves - Early works to 1800
- 1> Curves of double curvature - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Curves on surfaces.
- 2> Curves on surfaces - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Cyclodes.
- 2> Cylinder (Mathematics)
- 1> Cynictis.
- 1> Dargle River (Ireland) - Poetry.
- 1> Davies, Thomas Stephens, - 1794?-1851. - Geometry and geometers.
- 1> Decimal fractions - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Decimal system.
- 1> Deep-sea sounding.
- 12> Definite integrals.
- 1> Definite integrals - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Definite integrals - Tables.
- 1> De Morgan, Augustus, - 1806-1871.
- 1> De Morgan, Augustus, - 1806-1871. - On the approaching simplification of the coinage.
- 1> De Morgan, Augustus, - 1806-1871. - On the early history of the signs [plus] and [minus].
- 4> Determinants.
- 1> Dialing - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Diameter (Geometry)
- 1> Dickson, William, - fl. 1789-1815.
- 3> Differentiable functions.
- 3> Differential calculus.
- 2> Differential calculus - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Differential-difference equations.
- 6> Differential equations, Linear.
- 8> Differential equations, Partial.
- 5> Differential equations, Partial - Early works to 1800.
- 11> Differential equations.
- 1> Differential equations - Dynamics.
- 3> Differential equations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Differential equations - Numerical solutions.
- 2> Diffraction.
- 1> Diophantine analysis - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Diophantine equations.
- 1> Diophantine equations - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Discontinuous functions.
- 1> Divergent series.
- 1> Diving bells.
- 3> Division.
- 2> Double stars.
- 1> Dutch War, 1672-1678 - Naval operations - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Dynamics.
- 1> Dynamics of a particle.
- 1> Earth.
- 2> Earth - Density.
- 1> Earth - Figure.
- 1> Earth - Rotation
- 2> Earth - Rotation - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Echo - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Ecole polytechnique (France) - History.
- 3> Economics, Mathematical.
- 1> Edleston, Joseph, - d. 1895. - Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes.
- 1> Education, Higher.
- 1> Education, Humanistic.
- 1> Education - Periodicals.
- 1> Elasticity.
- 1> Elastic solids.
- 1> Elastic solids - Measurement.
- 2> Electric conductors.
- 2> Electricity.
- 1> Electric lighting.
- 4> Electrodynamics.
- 1> Electromagnetism.
- 6> Elimination.
- 4> Ellipse.
- 2> Ellipse - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Ellipsoid.
- 6> Elliptic functions.
- 1> Encyclopedias and dictionaries - Early works to 1600.
- 1> England and Wales. - Royal Navy - Early works to 1800.
- 1> England - Population - Early works to 1800.
- 1> England - Statistics, Vital - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Epicycloids and hypocycloids.
- 2> Equations, Abelian.
- 2> Equations, Cubic.
- 2> Equations, Quadratic.
- 11> Equations, Roots of.
- 1> Equations, Roots of - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Equations, Simultaneous.
- 6> Equations, Theory of.
- 19> Equations.
- 1> Equations (Linear)
- 4> Equations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Equations - Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- 12> Equations - Numerical solutions.
- 2> Equations - Numerical solutions - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Equations of motion.
- 2> Equilibrium.
- 2> Error analysis (Mathematics)
- 8> Euclid's Elements.
- 6> Euclid's Elements - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Euclid's Elements - Study and teaching.
- 1> Euler, Leonhard, - 1707-1783 - Criticism and interpretation.
- 1> Exponents (Algebra)
- 2> Factors (Algebra)
- 1> Fermat, Pierre de, - 1601-1665.
- 1> Fermat numbers.
- 3> Fibonacci, Leonardo, - ca. 1170-ca. 1240.
- 1> Fibonacci, Leonardo, - ca. 1170-ca. 1240. - Liber quadratorum.
- 1> Fibonacci, Leonardo, - ca. 1170-ca. 1240 - Manuscripts.
- 2> Fibonacci numbers.
- 1> Finite differences.
- 1> Fireworks - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Flexure.
- 1> Fluid dynamics.
- 2> Fluid mechanics.
- 1> Fluids.
- 1> Force and energy.
- 6> Forms (Mathematics)
- 1> Fortification - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, - baron, - 1768-1830.
- 2> Fourier series.
- 2> Fractions.
- 1> Freemasonry - England - History.
- 1> Fresnel, Augustin Jean, - 1788-1827.
- 2> Functional equations.
- 1> Functional equations - Numerical solutions.
- 1> Functions, Continuous.
- 17> Functions.
- 2> Functions - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Functions of several complex variables.
- 1> Gaging - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gaging - Tables - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Galilei, Galileo, - 1564-1642 - Early works to 1800
- 1> Galilei, Galileo, - 1564-1642 - Knowledge and learning - Mechanics.
- 1> Galilei, Galileo, - 1564-1642 - Trials, litigation, etc.
- 1> Gambling.
- 1> Gambling - Mathematical models.
- 1> Games - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Games of chance (Mathematics)
- 1> Games of chance (Mathematics) - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gas dynamics.
- 1> Geodesics (Mathematics)
- 1> Geodesy.
- 1> Geodesy - Great Britain.
- 1> Geography, Mathematical - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geography - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geomagnetism - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geometrical constructions.
- 1> Geometrical optics.
- 1> Geometric probabilities.
- 2> Geometry, Algebraic.
- 1> Geometry, Algebraic - Early works to 1800.
- 7> Geometry, Analytic.
- 1> Geometry, Analytic - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geometry, Descriptive.
- 2> Geometry, Differential.
- 1> Geometry, Infinitesimal - History.
- 5> Geometry, Plane.
- 5> Geometry, Plane - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geometry, Solid.
- 1> Geometry, Solid - Early works to 1800.
- 16> Geometry.
- 24> Geometry - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Geometry - England - Study and teaching.
- 1> Geometry - History.
- 1> Geometry - History - England - Lancashire.
- 2> Geometry - Problems, exercises, etc.
- 1> Geometry - Study and teaching - Arab countries - History.
- 1> Gibraltar - History - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gifted children - England - History - 19th century.
- 1> Gifted children - England - History - 19th century - Posters.
- 1> Glencoe Massacre, 1692 - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Goniometry.
- 1> Grammar, Comparative and general - Article.
- 1> Grammar, Comparative and general - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Grammar, Comparative and general - Pronoun.
- 1> Graphic arts - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Gravitation.
- 3> Gravitation - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gravity - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Great Britain - History, Naval - Stuarts, 1603-1714 - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gunnery.
- 2> Gunnery - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Gymnastics - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Hachette, - M. - (Jean Nicolas Pierre), - 1769-1834.
- 1> Halley's comet - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Hamilton, William, - Sir, - 1788-1856.
- 1> Hamilton, William Rowan, - Sir, - 1805-1865.
- 1> Hansen, P. A. - (Peter Andreas), - 1795-1874. - Tables de la lune.
- 2> Harmonic functions.
- 1> Harriot, Thomas, - 1560-1621 - Archives.
- 3> Heat.
- 1> Herschel, John F. W. - (John Frederick William), - Sir, - 1792-1871. - Results of astronomical observations.
- 1> Hindu astronomy.
- 1> Historiography - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Hodograph.
- 1> Hoisington, Henry Richard, - 1801-1858.
- 2> Hook, Theodore Edward, - 1788-1841.
- 1> Horner, Francis, - 1778-1817.
- 1> Horology - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Huntington, Robert, - 1637-1701 - orrespondence.
- 1> Huygens, Christiaan, - 1629-1695.
- 1> Hydrology - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Hydrostatics - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Hyperbola.
- 1> India - Economic conditions.
- 1> Infinite.
- 1> Insurance, Life - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Insurance, Life - Mathematics.
- 1> Insurance, Life - Rates.
- 1> Insurance, Life - Tables.
- 1> Insurance (Life) - Periodicals.
- 1> Insurance companies.
- 1> Insurance - Periodicals.
- 1> Integral equations.
- 2> Integrals, Definite.
- 1> Integrals, Logarithmic.
- 3> Integrals.
- 1> Integro-differential equations.
- 1> Intellect - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Intersection theory.
- 1> Intonation (Musical pitch)
- 1> Involutes (Mathematics)
- 1> Irrational numbers.
- 1> Irrigation - France - Equipment and supplies.
- 1> Isometric projection.
- 1> Jacobi, C. G. J. - (Carl Gustav Jakob), - 1804-1851 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 1> Jerrard, George Birch, - d. 1863. - Mathematical researches. - Part the first.
- 1> Jonquières, E. de - (Ernest de), - 1820-1901. - Documents relatifs à une réclamation de priorité.
- 1> Jonquières, E. de - (Ernest de), - 1820-1901. - Recherches sur les séries ou systèmes de courbes et de surfaces algébraiques d'ordre quelconque.
- 1> Jonquières, E. de - (Ernest de), - 1820-1901 - Criticism and interpretation.
- 1> Jupiter (Planet)
- 1> Jurin, James, - 1684-1750. - Geometry no friend to infidelity.
- 1> Kater, Henry, - 1777-1835. - Account of the construction and adjustment of the new standards of weights and measures of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
- 1> Kepler, Johannes, - 1571-1630. - Works.
- 1> Kepler, Johannes, - 1571-1630 - Early works to 1800
- 1> Kepler's equation.
- 1> Kepler's laws.
- 2> Kinematics.
- 1> Knowledge, Theory of.
- 1> Lagrange, J. L. - (Joseph Louis), - 1736-1813.
- 1> Land use - Taxation.
- 1> Laplace, Pierre Simon, - marquis de, - 1749-1827 - Anecdotes.
- 2> Laplace transformation.
- 1> Latitude.
- 8> Least squares.
- 1> Legal tender - Great Britain.
- 1> Legendre, A. M. - (Adrien Marie), - 1752-1833.
- 2> Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, - Freiherr von, - 1646-1716.
- 4> Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, - Freiherr von, - 1646-1716 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 1> Length measurement - Great Britain - History.
- 1> Le Sage, Georges-Louis, - 1676-1759 - Knowledge - Mathematics.
- 1> Leslie, John, - Sir, - 1766-1832. - Elements of geometry.
- 1> Lettering.
- 1> Library catalogs.
- 1> Libri, Guillaume, - 1803-1869 - Library.
- 1> Life annuities - Early works to 1800.
- 6> Light.
- 2> Light - Scattering.
- 1> Light - Speed.
- 1> Liquids - Thermal properties.
- 1> Logarithmic functions.
- 14> Logarithms.
- 6> Logarithms - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Logarithms - Tables.
- 5> Logic, Symbolic and mathematical.
- 5> Logic.
- 1> Logic - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Logic - Study and teaching - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Longitude.
- 2> Longitude - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Longitude - Tables - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Lunar eclipses - 1757.
- 1> Lunar theory.
- 1> Madhu Rao - I, - Peshwa, - 1744?-1772 - Correspondence.
- 1> Magic squares.
- 1> Magnetic declination.
- 1> Magnetic measurements.
- 2> Magnetism of ships.
- 2> Malfatti's problem.
- 1> Manufacturing processes.
- 1> Mariette, Auguste, - 1821-1881.
- 10> Mathematical analysis.
- 1> Mathematical constants.
- 1> Mathematical instruments.
- 1> Mathematical literature.
- 9> Mathematical notation.
- 2> Mathematical physics.
- 1> Mathematical physics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematical recreations.
- 5> Mathematical recreations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematicians - Biography.
- 7> Mathematicians - Correspondence.
- 1> Mathematicians - England - Biography.
- 2> Mathematicians - France - Biography.
- 1> Mathematicians - France - Correspondence.
- 1> Mathematicians - Great Britain - Biography.
- 1> Mathematicians - Great Britain - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics, Arab.
- 1> Mathematics, Arab - History.
- 1> Mathematics, Arabic.
- 1> Mathematics, Arabic - Bio-bibliography.
- 1> Mathematics, Arab - Manuscripts.
- 2> Mathematics, Chinese.
- 4> Mathematics, Greek.
- 3> Mathematics, Greek - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics, Greek - Study and teaching - Arab countries - History.
- 1> Mathematics, Hindu.
- 13> Mathematics.
- 2> Mathematics - Bibliography.
- 1> Mathematics - Bibliography - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics - Correspondence - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Mathematics - Dictionaries.
- 2> Mathematics - Dictionaries - Early works to 1800.
- 54> Mathematics - Early works to 1800.
- 5> Mathematics - Formulae.
- 1> Mathematics - France - History - 19th century.
- 5> Mathematics - History.
- 1> Mathematics - History - 18th century.
- 1> Mathematics - History - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics - Italy - History.
- 2> Mathematics - Periodicals.
- 1> Mathematics - Periodicals - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics - Philosophy.
- 7> Mathematics - Philosophy - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mathematics - Popular works.
- 5> Mathematics - Problems, exercises, etc.
- 1> Mathematics - Scotland - Edinburgh - Study and teaching.
- 3> Mathematics - Study and teaching.
- 2> Mathematics - Tables.
- 1> Mathematics - Tables - History.
- 1> Mathematics - Terminology.
- 1> Measuring instruments.
- 1> Mechanical drawing.
- 1> Mechanics, Analytic.
- 1> Mechanics, Celestial.
- 2> Mechanics.
- 13> Mechanics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Medical laws and legislation - Great Britain - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mediterranean Sea - Description and travel - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Meibom, Marcus, - 1630-1711. - De proportionibus dialogus.
- 1> Mensuration - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Mental arithmetic.
- 1> Mersenne, Marin, - 1588-1648.
- 1> Meteorological stations - Algeria.
- 1> Meteors.
- 1> Meteors - Catalogs.
- 1> Microscopes - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Military art and science - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Minimal surfaces - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Molecules - Magnetic properties - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Mollusks.
- 1> Monastic libraries - England.
- 1> Monastic libraries - England - Ramsey.
- 1> Moon - Orbit.
- 1> Moon - Rotation.
- 1> Moon - Tables.
- 4> Mortality.
- 1> Mortality - Tables.
- 7> Motion.
- 1> Mountains.
- 1> Muḥammad Abū Bakr al-Fārsī.
- 1> Murr, Christoph Gottlieb von, - 1733-1811 - Library.
- 1> Music, Greek and Roman - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Music - Acoustics and physics.
- 1> Musical intervals and scales.
- 1> Music and science.
- 1> Music - Dictionaries - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Music - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Nana Phadnis, - 1742-1800.
- 1> Nana Phadnis, - 1742-1800 - Correspondence.
- 2> Nautical astronomy.
- 1> Nautical instruments.
- 1> Navigation.
- 2> Navigation - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Navigation - Instruments - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Nebulae.
- 1> Nervous system.
- 1> Netherlands - Church history - 17th century.
- 5> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727.
- 2> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727. - Method of fluxions.
- 1> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727. - Principia.
- 1> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727 - Authorship.
- 5> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727 - Contributions in mathematics.
- 2> Newton, Isaac, - Sir, - 1642-1727 - Correspondence.
- 1> Nicomachus, - of Gerasa. - Introductio arithmetica
- 2> Noakes, George, - b. 1819.
- 14> Numbers, Complex.
- 2> Numbers, complex.
- 1> Numbers, complex - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Numbers, Polygonal - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Numbers, Prime.
- 1> Numbers, Prime - Early works to 1800.
- 6> Number theory.
- 1> Number theory - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Numerals - History.
- 1> Numeration, Indic - History.
- 2> Numerical integration.
- 1> Observatoire de Paris.
- 1> Optical instruments - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Optics, Physical.
- 1> Optics.
- 1> Optics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Oscillations.
- 1> Ovals.
- 2> Panizzi, Anthony, - Sir, - 1797-1879.
- 1> Parallelograms.
- 3> Parallels (Geometry)
- 4> Partitions (Mathematics)
- 1> Peacock, George, - 1791-1858. - Treatise on algebra.
- 1> Peasantry - England - History - Medieval period, 1066-1485.
- 2> Pendulum.
- 1> Pentagon.
- 1> Periodic functions.
- 2> Permutations.
- 2> Permutations - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Perpetual calendars.
- 1> Perpetual calendars - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Perspective.
- 1> Perspective - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Perturbation (Astronomy)
- 1> Philology - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Philosophers - Germany - Biography.
- 1> Philosophy, Medieval.
- 1> Physical sciences - Dictionaries.
- 1> Physicians - Netherlands - Biography.
- 1> Physicists - France - Biography.
- 4> Physics.
- 2> Physics - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Physics - History.
- 1> Planetary theory.
- 1> Planetary theory - History.
- 2> Plane trigonometry.
- 2> Planets.
- 1> Planets - Orbits - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Platonic number - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Polarization (Light)
- 5> Polygons.
- 4> Polyhedra.
- 7> Porisms.
- 1> Porisms - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Potassium cyanide.
- 1> Potential theory (Mathematics)
- 1> Poudra, Noël Germinal, - 1794-1894. - Traité de perspective-relief.
- 1> Powell, W. S. - (William Samuel), - 1717-1775. - Observations on the first chapter of a book called Miscellanea analytica.
- 1> Precession.
- 1> Pressure.
- 8> Probabilities.
- 2> Probabilities - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Processes, Infinite.
- 1> Projectiles - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Proportion.
- 1> Proposition (Logic)
- 1> Pyramid (Geometry) - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Quadrant - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Quadratic differentials.
- 8> Quaternions.
- 5> Quintic equations.
- 4> Radiation.
- 2> Railroads - Belgium.
- 2> Ratio and proportion.
- 1> Ratio and proportion - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Ready-reckoners.
- 1> Reflecting telescopes.
- 4> Reflection (Optics)
- 1> Reflections on the theory of the infinitesimal calculus.
- 1> Reformed Church. - Netherlands - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Refraction, Astronomical.
- 1> Refraction, Astronomical - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Refraction, Double.
- 4> Refraction.
- 1> Regiomontanus, Joannes, - 1436-1476 - Autographs.
- 1> Relief (Art)
- 5> Religion and science - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Rent.
- 1> Rhäticus, Georg Joachim, - 1514-1576. - Canon doctrinae triangulorum.
- 1> Rooke, George, - Sir, - 1650-1709.
- 3> Rotational motion.
- 1> Royal College of Physicians of London.
- 1> Royal Observatory, Greenwich - Instruments.
- 2> Royal Society. - Library - Catalogs.
- 1> Royal Society (Great Britain). - Library.
- 1> Royal Society (Great Britain) - History.
- 1> Royal Society (Great Britain) - History - 19th century.
- 2> Royal Society (Great Britain) - History - Controversial literature.
- 1> Rudolff, Christoff.
- 1> Rupert, - Prince, Count Palatine, - 1619-1682.
- 1> Salts.
- 1> Salvage - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Scales (Weighing instruments)
- 1> Science, Medieval.
- 2> Science.
- 1> Science - Correspondence - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Science - Dictionaries.
- 3> Science - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Science - Encyclopedias.
- 1> Science - France - History - 18th century.
- 1> Science - History.
- 1> Science - Popular works.
- 1> Scientific apparatus and instruments.
- 1> Scientific apparatus and instruments - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Scientific recreations.
- 4> Scientific recreations - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Scientists - Correspondence.
- 1> Scotland - Politics and government - 1689-1745 - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Series, Arithmetic.
- 5> Series, Infinite.
- 1> Series, Infinite - Early works to 1800.
- 11> Series.
- 1> Series - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Sextant.
- 1> Signs and symbols.
- 1> Simson, Robert, - 1687-1768. - Treatise concerning porisms.
- 2> Slide-rule.
- 1> Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
- 1> Solar eclipses - 1851.
- 2> Solar system.
- 1> Sound production in animals - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Sound-waves.
- 1> Specific gravity - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Sphere.
- 1> Spherical astronomy.
- 2> Spherical trigonometry.
- 1> Spherical trigonometry - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Square.
- 2> Square root.
- 1> Square root - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Standards of length.
- 1> Stars.
- 1> Stars - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Stars - Proper motion.
- 1> Steam.
- 1> Sturm, Charles-François, - 1803-1855.
- 1> Summability theory.
- 3> Sundials - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Sun - Rising and setting.
- 1> Sun - Rising and setting - Tables - Early works to 1800.
- 4> Surfaces, Algebraic.
- 1> Surfaces, Isothermic.
- 2> Surfaces, Orthogonal.
- 1> Surfaces, Pedal.
- 6> Surfaces.
- 2> Surfaces - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Surveying - Early works to 1800.
- 6> Syllogism.
- 1> Sylvester, James Joseph, - 1814-1897.
- 3> Symmetric functions.
- 1> Tangier (Morocco) - Description and travel - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Tangier (Morocco) - History - 17th century.
- 1> Temperature.
- 1> Temperature measurements.
- 1> Texture (Crystallography)
- 2> Theodolites.
- 1> Theology, Doctrinal - Early works to 1800.
- 1> The oriental astronomer.
- 1> Thieme, Frederick Eduard.
- 1> Thought and thinking - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Time measurements.
- 1> Time measurements - Instruments.
- 1> Tokens - Great Britain.
- 4> Transcendental functions.
- 2> Transformations (Mathematics)
- 4> Triangle - Early works to 1800.
- 2> Trigonometrical functions.
- 3> Trigonometry.
- 3> Trigonometry - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Trigonometry - History.
- 1> Trigonometry - Problems, exercises, etc.
- 2> Trigonometry - Tables.
- 1> Trigonometry - Terminology.
- 1> Triples, Theory of.
- 3> Trisection of angle.
- 1> Universities and colleges - England - London.
- 1> University College, London.
- 2> University College, London - Examinations.
- 1> University of Edinburgh - Curricula.
- 1> Uranus (Planet)
- 1> Value distribution theory.
- 1> Vapors.
- 2> Variables (Mathematics)
- 1> Vernal equinox.
- 4> Vibration.
- 1> Vibration - Measurement.
- 1> Wales - Population - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Wales - Statistics, Vital - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Walton, Jacob, - d. 1743. - Vindication of Sir Isaac Newton's Principles of fluxions.
- 1> Weights and measures, Ancient - Early works to 1800.
- 3> Weights and measures.
- 1> Weights and measures - France.
- 1> Weights and measures - Great Britain - Early works to 1800.
- 1> Weights and measures - Great Britain - Law and legislation.
- 1> Weights and measures - Law and legislation - Great Britain.
- 1> Weights and measures - Tables.
- 1> Weld, Charles Richard, - 1813-1869. - History of the Royal Society.
- 1> Whewell, William, - 1794-1866. - History of the inductive sciences.
- 1> Whirligigs.
- 1> Widmann, Johann. - Compendio arithmeticae mercatorum.
- 1> Woepcke, Franz, - 1826-1864. - Essai d'une restitution des travaux perdus.
- 1> Wright, Thomas, - 1711-1786.
- 1> Yolland, William. - Account of the measurement of the Lough Foyle base in Ireland.
- 1> Zodiac.
- 1> Zodiacal light.
- 1> Zoology - Catalogs and collections - Early works to 1800.
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- The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection x
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Mr. William Oughtred's Key of the mathematicks ;:newly translated from the best edition, with notes, rendring it easy and intelligible to less skilful readers : in which also, some problems left unanswer'd by the author are resolv'd : absolutely necessary for all gagers, surveyors, gunners, military officers, mariners, &c : recommended by Mr. E. Halley, Fellow of the Royal Society.
Oughtred, William,1575-1660., <br>- Halley, Edmond,1656-1742., <br>- Sibley, Geo.,fl. 1818,former owner., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy ::containing amusing dissertations and enquiries concerning a variety of subjects the most remarkable and proper to excite curiosity and attention to the whole range of the mathematical and philosophical sciences : the whole treated in a pleasing and easy manner, and adapted to the comprehension of all who are the least initiated in those sciences ...
Ozanam, Jacques,1640-1717., <br>- Montucla, Jean Etienne,1725-1799., <br>- Hutton, Charles,1737-1823., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Analyse demontrée, ou, La methode de resoudre les problêmes des mathématiques, et d'apprendre facilement ces sciences ::expliquée & démontrée dans le premier volume, & appliquée, dans le second, à découvrir les propriétés des figures de la géometrie simple & composée; à resoudre les problêmes de ces sciences & les problêmes des sciences physico-mathematiques, en employant le calcul ordinaire de l'algebre, le calcul differentiel & le calcul integral. Ces derniers calculs y sont aussi expliqués & démontrés
Reyneau, Charles René,1656-1728., <br>- Quillau, Jacques,d. 1729?,printer., <br>- Pollok, T.,former owner., <br>- Horner, William George,1786-1837,former owner., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Correspondence of scientific men of the seventeenth century, including letters of Barrow, Flamsteed, Wallis, and Newton ::printed from the originals in the collection of the Right Honourable the Earl of Macclesfield : in two volumes.
<br>- Barrow, Isaac,1630-1677., <br>- Macclesfield, Thomas Parker,earl of,1666?-1732., <br>- Rigaud, Stephen Peter,1774-1839., <br>- Rigaud, Stephen Jordan,Bishop,1816-1859., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner., <br>- Rigaud, Stephen Peter,1774-1839,associated name., <br>- Baily, Francis,1774-1844,associated name.
Partial (No exact match found)
Mathematical tracts of the late Benjamin Robins, esq. ... ::in two volumes
Robins, Benjamin,1707-1751., <br>- Wilson, James,1690-1771., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Dictionnaire des sciences mathématiques pures et appliquées
<br>- Montferrier, A. S. de(Alexandre Sarrazin),1792-1863., <br>- Puissant, L.(Louis),1769-1843., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
A breefe treatise of sphaericall triangles ::wherein is handled the sixteene cases of a right angled triangle, being all extracted out of one diagram, and reduced into theorems, with the total sine in the first place, so that by addition onely, they may be effected ...
Speidell, John,fl. 1600-1634., <br>- Allde, Edward,d. 1627,printer., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Johannis Wallis S.T.D. Geometriae Professoris Saviliani, in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Opera mathematica ::tribus voluminibus contenta.
Wallis, John,1616-1703., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
The athenaeum ::journal of literature, science and the fine arts.
<br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)
Haec accurata recognitio trium voluminum, operum clariss. P. Nicolai Cusae Card. ex officina Ascensiana recenter emissa est ::cuius vniuersalem indicem, proxime sequens pagina monstrat.
Nicholas,of Cusa, Cardinal,1401-1464., <br>- Lefèvre d'Etaples, Jacques,d. 1536., <br>- Badius, Josse,1462-1535,printer., <br>- De Morgan, Augustus,1806-1871,former owner.
Partial (No exact match found)