The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: the-augustus-de-morgan-Collection Id-2]' returned 1,160 results.

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A memoir on the best method of measuring time at sea, which obtained the doule prize adjudged by the Royal Academy of Sciences ::containing the description of the longitude watch presented to His Majesty the 5th of August 1766

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Notes on the state of the decimal coinage question.

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On the political condition of the English peasantry during the Middle Ages ::in a letter to Sir Henry Ellis ...

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On the foundation of algebra.

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Extract of a letter from Mr James Dodson to Mr William Mountaine, F.R.S.

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De undecimo Euclidis axiomate iudicium ::cui accedunt pauca De trisectione anguli

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Tables de la lune, construites d'après le principe newtonien de l'attraction universelle, par P.A. Hansen ...

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Elements of analytic trigonometry, plane and spherical

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