Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Secret Prints, 1883-1914

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Table of contents

Page: 5

Essay on the Persian armed forces in 1883 and the population as recruitment source for the Persian army / by lieutenant colonel Koliubakin of the General Staff

Page: 22

Sheikh Ubeydullah's invasion of Persia in 1880 / by K.P. Kamsarakan

Page: 28

Report by the consul Dixon about the roads in Persia, August 30, 1882. Commercial Trade Reports

Page: 30

Report by the consul Dixon about the roads in Persia, September 17, 1883

Page: 31

The modern Persian artillery (1883) / artillery captain Kublitskii

Page: 46

Geographic notes on Asia Minor by colonel Wilson, written during his trip in 1879-82, reported in March, 1884 to the Royal Geographic Society

Page: 55

List of books and maps on Asia