Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Secret Prints, 1883-1914

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Table of contents

Page: 6

Journey by lieutenant colonel Bernov to Mongolia and Manchuria in 1889

Page: 29

The Pos'et area / compiled by lieutenant colonel Ragoza of the General Staff

Page: 74

Essay on the military economy [of China] / by colonel Putiata of the General Staff

Page: 84

On the strength and stationing of the Chinese troops in territories bordering Turkestan and Omsk districts / by colonel Putiata of the General Staff

Page: 86

Essays on Chinese life / by colonel Putiata of the General Staff

Page: 100

The Anglo-Afghan railway

Page: 108

Appendix to lieutenant colonel Bernov's journey through Mongolia and Manchuria in 1889 : The collection of fresh water in the Gobi

Page: 112
