Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Secret Prints, 1883-1914
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Table of contents
Page: 7
The railway question in Asia Minor / by N.V. Charykov
Page: 23
The stationing of the Persian army as from Januari 1, 1891 / by guards lieutenant Bliumer
Page: 26
The state of the garrison at Tabriz in May, 1891 / by guards lieutenant Bliumer
Page: 28
The coastal area between the customs at Astara, the city of Anzali, and the mountains (Persian province of Gilan) / by lieutenant colonel Kosogovskii of the General Staff
Page: 36
Description of the road from the city of Qazvin to Rasht - Fowman - Astara - Ardabil - Zanjan and back to Qazvin : reconnaissance of 1890 / by guards lieutenant Bliumer (with a map)
Page: 58
Journey by lieutenant Vogan through Eastern Persia
Page: 70
Extract from a report by major general Gordon on his journey from Tehran to the Karun river and the city of Mohamrah through Kum, Sultanabad, Burujird, Khoremabad, Dizful and Ahwaz / translated from English by lieutenant colonel Vannovskii of the General Staff
Page: 79
Review of the higher civil and military administration in India / lieutenant colonel Ermolov of the General Staff
Page: 91
Railway concessions in Asiatic Turkey in 1891 / by P.V. Maksimov
Page: 97
The Persian army, according to a competent Russian army officer, 1891
Page: 98
Extract from "A ride through Asia Minor and Armenia", by Henry Barkley (London, 1891)
Page: 102