Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Secret Prints, 1883-1914
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Table of contents
Page: 7
Extract from the description of a journey through the Pamir (from north to south) / made by George Littledale ; translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff
Page: 14
A short essay on the Pamir / by captain Skerskii of the General Staff
Page: 27
Extract from the description of the journey of C.E. Biddulph through the western part of the Great Salt Desert (Kavir) in Persia : with a report map / translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff
Page: 30
The river Karun and the commercial geography of south-western Persia / reported at the evening session of the Royal Geographical Society on May 12, 1890 by Curzon ; translated from English by lieutenant Grendal' of the Leib Guard chasseur regiment
Page: 41
Extract from the notes on a journey by Rockhill across China, Mongolia, and Tibet : ("The land of Lamas", by William Woodville Rockhill); with a map and itinerary / translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff
Page: 68
Extract from six letters about a journey to Little Tibet in 1888 / Henry Lansdell ; translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff
Page: 72
Extract from a report by staff capt. Grulev of the General Staff on the reconnaissance of the Siberian arterial route in the Transbaikal region
Page: 81
Preliminary report on the expedition to the Hinggan / by colonel Putiata of the General Staff
Page: 98
A note on the operational direction in the Hinggan area
Page: 104
Notes by lieutenant Borodovskii on animal and plant life along the expedition itinerary
Page: 108
Russian Central Asia / by Biddulph; translated by captain prince Trubetskoi of the General Staff
Page: 113
Extract from a report on Campbell's journey across Korea / translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff
Page: 120
Extract from a report on the journey of captain Younghusband across the Pamir and adjacent lands / translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff
Page: 129
The stationing of the Afghan troops at the end of 1891
Page: 129
Remarks on the sketches of the fortifications of Dalianwan
Page: 130