Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Secret Prints, 1883-1914

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Table of contents

Page: 7

The Manchurian railway : the Tianjin - Luanzhou stretch, (with two maps) / by colonel Vogan of the General Staff

Page: 16

China from an engineering point of view, / extracted by colonel Vogan of the General Staff

Page: 20

A journey by English customs officials in China, from Yichang to Chongqing, along the river Yangtze and over land in 1890. / extracts from English by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff

Page: 37

On the fortified camp in Pishin (with three sketch maps)

Page: 41

Notes on Mr. Dauvergne's travels in Chinese Turkestan / by general Walker (with a map); translated from English by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff

Page: 46

A journey across Tibet in 1891, / by captain Bower. (with a map) ; extracts by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff

Page: 51

Notes from the Far East / parts on Japan and Korea translated by lieutenant colonel Voronov of the General Staff ; part on China translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff

Page: 94

Pamir - a geographical and political essay. / by Delmar Morgan

Page: 98

Invasion of the Russians into India / by Younghusband

Page: 114


Page: 116

Extract from two letters by Conway on his 1892 expedition to the Karakoram range / by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff

Page: 121

The land of the Chilas / by Mikhail [i.e. John] Biddulph

Page: 122

The land of the Upper Karun and the Bakhtiari Lurs, / by Mrs. Bishop [Isabella L. Bird] (with a map)

Page: 126

Report by the British consul on Korean trade in 1891 / by Mr. Hillier

Page: 138

The road through the Kunar valley to the Indus valley (with a sketch-map)

Page: 140
