Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Secret Prints, 1883-1914
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Table of contents
Page: 7
The road from Tabriz to Zanjan / by staff captain Bliumer of the mounted artillery, 1892
Page: 22
Russia and the Pamirs
Page: 24
The development of the telegraph network in China. / translated by lieutenant colonel Dmitriev of the General Staff
Page: 25
The economical situation in Japan in 1891 / reported by Austrian consul Kreitner in Yokohama ; translated by lieutenant colonel Dmitriev of the General Staff
Page: 40
Where three Empires meet / by E.F. Knight. (with a map and a view of Nilt fort)
Page: 71
Report by Shengan governor general Yang Zhangjun on the inspection of the troops under his jurisdiction, carried out on the 5th moon, 17th day of the 19th year of the reign of the Guangxu Emperor (June 18, 1893)
Page: 72
Numbers and stationing of the Chinese troops of the Yung-bing and Lian-jun categories in Manchuria in April, 1892
Page: 74
Review of the economical condition of Japan in 1892 / translated by lieutenant colonel Dmitriev of the General Staff
Page: 77
Persian trade in 1887. / translated by lieutenant colonel Dmitriev of the General Staff
Page: 78
The route from Tehran to the Persian Gulf / by lieutenant Baron Von der Hoven
Page: 84
A short note on Korea / by colonel Vogan of the General Staff
Page: 85
The defense of India / translated by lieutenant colonel Dmitriev of the General Staff
Page: 91
Is India in danger? / translated by lieutenant colonel Dmitriev of the General Staff
Page: 96
India between two fires / by George Curzon ; translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff
Page: 102
The Afghan dilemma / translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff
Page: 111
Through the Khyber pass / by Spenser Wilkinson
Page: 115
The railways of North-West India. (with a scheme map) / translated by lieutenant colonel Desino of the General Staff
Page: 119