Codices Vossiani Latini
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Date range:
First half 13th c. (c. 1200)
William of Conches (c. 1080/1090-after 1154) (1r-5ra)
2) Aulus Gellius (c. 130-c. 170/180)
3) Walter Map (c. 1140-1208/1210)
2) Aulus Gellius (c. 130-c. 170/180)
3) Walter Map (c. 1140-1208/1210)
VLF 7 is a parchment codex from the first half of the 13th c., its leaves measuring 372 x 270 mm. It is constructed of 8 quires of 4 bifolia and two additional folia, totalling 66 leaves (=132 pages). Quire signatures are in a 17th c. hand, located in the lower margin, under the first columns. The same hand also added foliation and book numbers (in the upper margin) in the second part of the codex (Aulus Gellius). Catchwords are remnant in the scribe's own hand. Written text covers 260 x 165/170 mm, divided into two columns of 42 lines (in dark ink). The text is written by a single scribe in Littera prae-gothica, with two additional hands writing only a few lines (on f. 4vb and f. 14rb). Fol. 5v has a blue major initial, decorated in red. Letters starting each of the three different parts receive minor initials, painted red or blue. Inscriptions are rubricated. Towards the end, some initials have not been finished. The codex has a 16th-/17th-c. cardboard binding with dark leather protection. Four paper folia at the front and the back serve as flyleaves; their watermark is similar to Briquet nos 8077-79. The second part of the codex contains lacunae (which are not indicated).
Middle Ages - Philosophy (1r-5ra)
Antiquity - Encyclopedia - Classical Literature - Sciences - Philosophy
3) Middle Ages - Historiography -
Antiquity - Encyclopedia - Classical Literature - Sciences - Philosophy
3) Middle Ages - Historiography -
Other Resources:
==> Library Catalogue Universiteit Leiden
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
VLF 007 - Guilelmus de Conchis, Gellius, Gualterus Mapes