Codices Vossiani Latini
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Summarized description in English
Date range:
First half 12th c.
Paulus Orosius (c. 383-c. 420)
VLF 13 is a parchment codex from the first half of the 12th c., its leaves measuring 358 x 235 mm. It comprises 9 quires of mostly 4 bifolia, totalling 70 leaves (140 pages). Quire signatures in the lower margins are in Roman numerals. Writing space covers 290 x 165 mm, divided into 2 columns of 46-47 lines in hard point ruling. The text is possibly written by a single hand in Minuscula carolina. Some marginal comments seem to be from the same hand. The start of each book receives major initials, painted red, black and yellow. Minor initials at the start of a new chapter are in red, as are capitals within the text and inscriptions. The codex has a 17th-c. cardboard binding, protected by sheepskin, typical for codices from the library of Melchisédech Thévenot.
Antiquity - Church Fathers - Patristics - Historiography
Other Resources:
==> Library Catalogue Universiteit Leiden
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
VLF 013 - Orosius