Codices Vossiani Latini
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Date range:
End of 9th-10th c.; first half 10th c. (per Bischoff, 2004)
Virgil (70-19 BC) (2r-175r)
Maurus Servius Honoratus (4th-5th c.) (2ra-2va, 3va-14vc, 15ra-42va, 44va-179va)
Anonymous (f. 3r)
Maurus Servius Honoratus (4th-5th c.) (2ra-2va, 3va-14vc, 15ra-42va, 44va-179va)
Anonymous (f. 3r)
VLF 25 is a parchment codex from the end of the 9th or 10th c., its leaves measuring 330 x 250 mm. It is constructed of 23 quires of irregular composition and several added folia, totalling 178 leaves (356 pages). Part of f. 2 is cut off. Written space covers 270/300 x 220/230 mm, divided into 3 columns and a varying number of lines. The main text seems to be written by up to 12 different scribes; the Servianus commentary by as much as 10. The text is written in Minuscula carolina. On f. 2, the text has almost entirely vanished. Initials and inscriptions are not decorated. The codex has a 17th-c. cardboard binding with parchment protection, possibly made for Alexandre Pétau. What used to be the first folium (the so-called rotulus fragment, dating to the early 12th-c.) was removed in 1886 and is now part of Leiden, UB Ms BPL 2502. On the remaining f. Iv is an index by Alexandre Pétau.
Antiquity - Classical literature
Other Resources:
==> Library Catalogue Universiteit Leiden
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
VLF 025 - Virgilius, Servius