Codices Vossiani Latini
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Summarized description in English
Date range:
First half 11th c. (c. 1000-1025)
Gregory of Tours (538/9-594) (1r-80v)
Ado of Vienne (c. 799-875) (81r-135v)
Ado of Vienne (c. 799-875) (81r-135v)
VLF 39 is a parchment codex from the first half of the 11th c., its leaves measuring 315 x 225 mm. It is constructed of 17 quires of 4 or 5 bifolia, totalling 135 leaves (270 pages). The text is written in Minuscula carolina by a single scribe (excepting ff. 18v and 19vb) who calls himself frater Hervardus on f. 135v. This Hervardus added quire signatures in Roman numerals in the lower margins, and made some corrections in the second part. A 12th-c. hand made many corrections to both parts and may have been the one adding Tironian notes in the margins. The missing quires XI-XX are now BNF ms. lat. 5920. Written space covers 230/240 x 170 mm, divided into 2 columns of 35 lines in hard point ruling.
Middle Ages - Historiography
Other Resources:
==> Library Catalogue Universiteit Leiden
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
VLF 039 - Gregorius Turonensis, Ado Viennensis