Codices Vossiani Latini
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Latin / Portuguese
Date range:
16th c. (c. 1555)
Fernão de Oliveira (1507-c. 1581)
VLF 41 is a paper codex from the second half of the 16th c., its 255 leaves measuring c. 310 x 215 mm (ff. 1-174); c. 298 x 190/195 mm (ff. 175-237); c. 305 x 205 mm (ff. 238-255). Watermarks are similar to Briquet nos 13767, 3769, 13995-14023, 13999, 5927, 3477, 4854, 14035. Quire signatures were added in the lower margins. Several leaves are glued together. The top right corners of ff. 129-136 are mutilated; some folia are heavily stained. The entire codex is written and corrected in Littera cursiva by Fernão de Oliveira (1507-c. 1581), the author of the main text. There are several images of naval instruments, partly in colour, as well as tables and maps, all made by the author. The codex has a 17th-c. cardboard binding with leather straps.
Renaissance - Naval history - Exploration - Geography - Cartography
Other Resources:
==> Library Catalogue Universiteit Leiden
VLF 041 - Ferdinandus Oliverius de Sancta Columba