Codices Vossiani Latini
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Summarized description in English
Date range:
Second half 15th c.
M. Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) (1r-232v)
Aulus Gellius (c. 130-after 180) (233r)
Aulus Gellius (c. 130-after 180) (233r)
VLF 49 is a parchment codex from the second half of the 15th c., its leaves measuring 300 x 205 mm. It comprises 23 quires of 5 bifolia and 1 quire of 3 bifolia, totalling 236 leaves (472 pages). Catchwords are added perpendicularly. Written space covers 205 x 110 mm (33 lines in hard point ruling). The text is written in Littera textualis humanistica. Fol. 1r contains a lavishly decorated major initial. Minor initials, also decorated, start off each book. Each new letter starts with a small initial in red or blue. Inscriptions and subscriptions are rubricated. The codex has a 17th-c. cardboard binding, protected by sheepskin, typical for codices from the library of Melchisédech Thévenot.
Antiquity - Classical literature - Rhetoric - Correspondence (1r-232v)
Antiquity - Classical literature - Grammar - Culture - Sciences (233r)
Antiquity - Classical literature - Grammar - Culture - Sciences (233r)
Other Resources:
==> Library Catalogue Universiteit Leiden
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
VLF 049 - Cicero