Codices Vossiani Latini
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Description in De Meyier Catalog
Latin / Greek
Date range:
First half 9th c.; 2nd quarter 9th c. (per Bischoff, 2004)
Isidore of Seville (c. 560-c. 636) (1r-188r)
Anonymous (188v-189r)
Anonymous (188v-189r)
VLF 74 is a vellum codex from the first half of the 9th c., its leaves measuring 295 x 250 mm. It is constructed of 24 quires of mostly 4 bifolia, totalling 189 leaves (378 pages). Foliation was added by the scribe while a 15th-c. hand added quire signatures in Roman numerals. Written space covers 210/215 x 175/182 mm, divided into 2 columns of 32 lines. The text was written by several scribes in Minuscula carolina. The first part (ff. 1-106) was written in France (Loire region) under the supervision of Lupus of Ferrières. The second part (ff. 107-188) was finished during Lupus' stay at Fulda. Lupus himself made corrections and wrote a few lines. Inscriptions and initials are in dark ink. The codex has an 18th-c. cardboard binding protected by multi-coloured paper and a parchment spine.
Middle Ages - Etymology - Linguistics
Other Resources:
==> Library Catalogue Universiteit Leiden
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
VLF 074 - Isidorus Hispalensis