Codices Vossiani Latini
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Date range:
12th c.
Anonymous (1r-32v, 38v-40v, 73v-87r)
Gregory of Tours (538/9-594) (32v-33r, 87r)
Paul the Deacon of Naples (9th c.) (33r-38v)
Fulbert of Chartres (952/970-1028) (41v-43v)
Cixila of Toledo (†783) (43v-45v)
Ildefonsus of Toledo (†667) (45v-73v)
Amalarius of Metz (c. 775/80-850) (87v-90v)
Saint Bede (672/673-735) (90v-91v)
Cassiodorus (c. 485-c. 585) / Epiphanius Scholasticus (6th c.) (91v-92v)
Anonymous (Pseudo-Fredegar) (92v-93r)
Gregory of Tours (538/9-594) (32v-33r, 87r)
Paul the Deacon of Naples (9th c.) (33r-38v)
Fulbert of Chartres (952/970-1028) (41v-43v)
Cixila of Toledo (†783) (43v-45v)
Ildefonsus of Toledo (†667) (45v-73v)
Amalarius of Metz (c. 775/80-850) (87v-90v)
Saint Bede (672/673-735) (90v-91v)
Cassiodorus (c. 485-c. 585) / Epiphanius Scholasticus (6th c.) (91v-92v)
Anonymous (Pseudo-Fredegar) (92v-93r)
VLQ 28 is a 12th-c. parchment codex, its 94 leaves measuring 262 x 155 mm. Written space covers 210/225 x 105/110 mm (30-40 lines in hard point ruling). The text was written by 5 scribes in Littera prae-gothica. Major initials are decorated. Minor initials are in red, blue or yellow. Inscriptions are rubricated. The codex has a 17th-c. cardboard binding, protected by sheepskin, typical for codices from the library of Melchisédech Thévenot.
Middle Ages - Hagiography - Bible - Sermons - Prayers - Liturgy
Other Resources:
==> Library Catalogue Universiteit Leiden
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
VLQ 028 - Hagiographica praesertim Mariana