Codices Vossiani Latini
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Description in De Meyier Catalog
Date range:
10th c. (1r-6v)
c. 800 (7v-46r)
End 9th c. (46v-47v)
11th c. (48r-49v)
Second half 13th c. (52r and 54v)
End 12th c. (53r-v)
c. 800 (7v-46r)
End 9th c. (46v-47v)
11th c. (48r-49v)
Second half 13th c. (52r and 54v)
End 12th c. (53r-v)
Anonymous (1r-3v, 18v-19va, 20r-36ra, 48r-54r)
Pseudo-Athanasius of Alexandria (4r-6r)
Pseudo-Abgar (6r-v)
Several medieval authors (7r-13vb)
Prudentius (348-c. 405/413) (13vb-17vb)
Pope Damasus (†384) (18r)
Eugenius Toletanus (7th c.) (19va-b)
Augustine of Hippo (354-430) / Pseudo-Bede / Salvianus (5th c.) / Isidore of Seville (c. 560-c. 636) (36rb-39va)
Pliny the Elder (23-79) (39vb-46r)
Charlemagne (†814) (46v-47v)
Pseudo-Athanasius of Alexandria (4r-6r)
Pseudo-Abgar (6r-v)
Several medieval authors (7r-13vb)
Prudentius (348-c. 405/413) (13vb-17vb)
Pope Damasus (†384) (18r)
Eugenius Toletanus (7th c.) (19va-b)
Augustine of Hippo (354-430) / Pseudo-Bede / Salvianus (5th c.) / Isidore of Seville (c. 560-c. 636) (36rb-39va)
Pliny the Elder (23-79) (39vb-46r)
Charlemagne (†814) (46v-47v)
VLQ 69 is a parchment convolute (except for ff. 50-51: paper) containing 54 leaves. The codex has an 18th-c. cardboard binding with red paper protection and a dark leather spine.
Part 1 (1-6) dates from the 10th c. Its leaves measure 250 x 160 mm. Written space covers 180/190 x 105/110 mm (30-31 lines in hard point ruling). The text is written in Minuscula carolina.
Part 2 (7-47) dates from the 8th and 9th c. Its leaves measure 250 x 160 mm. Written space covers 200 x 130 mm, divided into 2 columns of 35 lines in hard point ruling. The text was written by several scribes in Littera minuscula (a script which bears the hallmarks of the scriptorium of Saint-Gall).
Part 3 (48) dates from the 11th c. Its one leaf measures c. 208 x 155 mm. Written space covers c. 180 x 105 mm (27 lines in hard point ruling). The text is written in Minuscula carolina.
Part 4 (49) dates from the 11th c. Its one leaf measures 243 x 155 mm. Written space covers 185 x 195 mm (27 lines in hard point ruling). The text is written in Minuscula carolina.
Part 5 (52 and 54) dates from the second half of the 13th c. Part of f. 54 is lost - it now measures 248 x 155 mm. Its written space covers 130 x 120 mm (20 lines in dark ink). Fol. 54 measures 248 x 155 mm of which 205 x 120 mm covers written space (24 lines). The codex is partly written by a 13th-c. scribe in Littera notularis, partly by a 16th-c. scribe in Littera cursiva.
Part 6 (53) dates from the end of the 12th c. Its one leaf measures 227 x 145 mm. Written space covers 175 x 100 (24-25 lines in dark ink). The text is written in Minuscula carolina.
Part 1 (1-6) dates from the 10th c. Its leaves measure 250 x 160 mm. Written space covers 180/190 x 105/110 mm (30-31 lines in hard point ruling). The text is written in Minuscula carolina.
Part 2 (7-47) dates from the 8th and 9th c. Its leaves measure 250 x 160 mm. Written space covers 200 x 130 mm, divided into 2 columns of 35 lines in hard point ruling. The text was written by several scribes in Littera minuscula (a script which bears the hallmarks of the scriptorium of Saint-Gall).
Part 3 (48) dates from the 11th c. Its one leaf measures c. 208 x 155 mm. Written space covers c. 180 x 105 mm (27 lines in hard point ruling). The text is written in Minuscula carolina.
Part 4 (49) dates from the 11th c. Its one leaf measures 243 x 155 mm. Written space covers 185 x 195 mm (27 lines in hard point ruling). The text is written in Minuscula carolina.
Part 5 (52 and 54) dates from the second half of the 13th c. Part of f. 54 is lost - it now measures 248 x 155 mm. Its written space covers 130 x 120 mm (20 lines in dark ink). Fol. 54 measures 248 x 155 mm of which 205 x 120 mm covers written space (24 lines). The codex is partly written by a 13th-c. scribe in Littera notularis, partly by a 16th-c. scribe in Littera cursiva.
Part 6 (53) dates from the end of the 12th c. Its one leaf measures 227 x 145 mm. Written space covers 175 x 100 (24-25 lines in dark ink). The text is written in Minuscula carolina.
Antiquity - Oracles - Prophesies (1r-3v)
Middle Ages - Homilies - Bible (4r-6r)
Middle Ages - Correspondence (6r-v)
Middle Ages - Poetry - Music (7r-13vb)
Antiquity - Liturgy - Hymns (13vb-17vb)
Antiquity - Papacy - Poetry - Hagiography (18r)
Antiquity - Middle Ages - Epigrams (18v-19va)
Middle Ages - Prayers (19va-b)
Middle Ages - Linguistics - Glossaries - Exegesis - Bible (20r-36ra)
Antiquity - Enyclopedia - Sciences (39vb-46r)
Middle Ages - Carolingians - Bible - Old Testament - Exegesis (46v-47v)
Middle Ages - Hagiography (48r-v)
Antiquity - Middle Ages - Grammar - Linguistics (49r-v)
Middle Ages - Monasticism - Diplomatic (52r)
Antiquity - Middle Ages - Geography - Architecture (53r-v)
Middle Ages - Monasticism (54r)
Middle Ages - Homilies - Bible (4r-6r)
Middle Ages - Correspondence (6r-v)
Middle Ages - Poetry - Music (7r-13vb)
Antiquity - Liturgy - Hymns (13vb-17vb)
Antiquity - Papacy - Poetry - Hagiography (18r)
Antiquity - Middle Ages - Epigrams (18v-19va)
Middle Ages - Prayers (19va-b)
Middle Ages - Linguistics - Glossaries - Exegesis - Bible (20r-36ra)
Antiquity - Enyclopedia - Sciences (39vb-46r)
Middle Ages - Carolingians - Bible - Old Testament - Exegesis (46v-47v)
Middle Ages - Hagiography (48r-v)
Antiquity - Middle Ages - Grammar - Linguistics (49r-v)
Middle Ages - Monasticism - Diplomatic (52r)
Antiquity - Middle Ages - Geography - Architecture (53r-v)
Middle Ages - Monasticism (54r)
Other Resources:
==> Library Catalogue Universiteit Leiden
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
==> Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections database
VLQ 069 - Sibylla Tiburtina, Ps.-Athanasius, Ps.-Abgarus, Abecedarii, etc.