Warfare in North America, c. 1756-1815 | British Perspectives
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(9189). Lieutenant-Colonel Morse to Captain Parker, Commanding Engineer, New York. Annapolis Royal. Since he arrived has noted a serious shortage of entrenching and articifers' tools and materials necessary for the work, particulalrly, lime. Asks that all tools under his care be divided into three parts and sent quickly to Halifax, Port Roseway and Annapolis Royal. Also to post the following articifers: Pryor, Goudge and Head to Halifax and Houseman to Annapolis. The sawmill should be sent to Roseway. When the Staten Island barracks are vacated, the whole structure should be removed if possible and sent to Nova Scotia.
(9190). A quotation from the above, being the sentence as to dividing the tools and materials into three parts and sending them to Halifax etc.; the articifers likewise, is attached to a return of articifers.