Warfare in North America, c. 1756-1815 | British Perspectives
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PRO 30/55/084/118 - Autograph Letter to Honble Brigr Genl Fox
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2 : PRO 30/55 - British Army Headquarters Papers
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PRO 30/55/084/118
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[Carleton] to Brigadier-General Fox. New York. Has received three letters from him dated 12 October, with enclosures. Approves of his actions with regard to the officers and men of the British American Corps. His intentions for the distribution of the troops to be stationed in Nova Scotia. His reason for sending all the troops destined for Nova Scotia to Halifax. His opinion that the Minister's reference to Nova Scotia was meant to include St John's Island and therefore he (Fox) is to so consider it with respect to the allowances granted to the disbanded soldiers and Loyalists there. Has heard from Governor Parr of the 23 Waldeckers settled near Annapolis who lack any clothing; the steps to be taken if he (Fox) finds them in distress and likely to suffer from the severity of the winter. The discharged soldiers who mean to settle in Nova Scotia should be put on the same footing with soldiers who went from hence. The instructions he has given to the Commissary-General regarding the purchase of things needed to supply the disbanded soldiers with the several articles allowed; such corps as settle in a body are to be treated the same as the British American Corps at St John's River. Instructions for the payment of the absent officers of the British American Corps. Encloses a letter from Mr Roupell at St Augustine regarding a 'negro' woman taken by Lieutenant Waldron, King's Carolina Rangers, asks him to investigate and give such orders as appear just and proper.
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