Asian Studies

Chinese Film and Newsreel Scripts from the Cultural Revolution Online
Editor: Zhong yang xin wen ji lu dian ying zhi pian chang
Documentary films and newsreels were two of the major mass media and communication channels in China from the 1950’s through the 1970’s. They covered all aspects of social activities, though the emphasis was on developments in the building of a socialist country. The bulk of the items in the collection are transcripts for the documentary films and newsreels from the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1946
End: 1980
Place: China

Colonial Period Korea Online
Editor: Ria Koopmans-De Bruijn
A unique collection of rare documents relating to the Japanese occupation of Korea, from the late nineteenth century up to 1945, representing a highly significant period in Korean history, and vital for a true understanding of many reflexes in the Koreas today. The collection is particularly important and timely because it preserves the intellectual content of publications which are at risk of disappearing for good.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1890
End: 1945
Place: Korea

Compilation of Chinese Medicine Periodicals Online, 1897-1952
The Compilation of Chinese Medicine Periodicals Online, 1897-1952 is a collection of 49 different periodicals on Chinese medicine published in the Late Qing and Republican Periods in China. This collection includes 212 books of more than 120,000 pages. Considered one of the best sources for observing the changing nature of medical practice and education during the late Qing and Republican eras in China that is crucial to the development of medicine and science in China, this collection provides unique insight into not only the modern transformation of Chinese medicine, but also the larger role of medicine in Chinese society, as it includes published documents authored by prominent figures both in support of, and opposed to, Chinese medicine. The Chinese medical periodicals include not only news related to Chinese medicine, but also news of all kinds of current politics and information about society and culture.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1897
End: 1952
Place: East Asia

Contemporary Japan Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
Quarterly journal Contemporary Japan (published in Japan from 1932 - 1954) has rightly been described as 'a relative beacon of rationality in increasingly chaotic and confusing times'. Virtually complete run.
Subject: Asian Studies

Hongkong Weekly Press Online
Brill’s Hongkong Weekly Press Online service closely follows first-hand a series of watershed incidents, including what led up to those and what followed during periods of significant unrest in then-British Hongkong of the 1920’s.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1920
End: 1929
Place: China

Japan Chronicle Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
The English-language Japan Chronicle Weekly (1900–1940) is the newspaper of record for Japan’s engagement with modernity and its emergence, through war, political and social upheaval and seismic social change in East Asia, onto the world stage in the first half of the twentieth century. Historians of East Asia have long seen the Japan Chronicle as a uniquely valuable resource. This well-informed, controversial but always readable source of news and opinion on Japan and East Asia offers an intriguing and lively Japanese complement to the North-China Herald Online.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1902
End: 1940
Place: Japan

Japan News-Week Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
Japan News-Week was the last independent, foreign-owned English-language newspaper published in Japan. This exclusive holding runs from the first issue in November 1938 to within 6 months of the newspaper’s closure and the arrest of Mr Willa and Ms Argyll by Japanese ‘Special’ (Tokko) police on the evening before Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941, on a charge of espionage.
Subject: Asian Studies

Japan Times Weekly and Nippon Times Weekly Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
The Japan Times Weekly (1938 - 1942) and its immediate successor the Nippon Times Weekly (1943), both magazines superbly illustrated in full-colour, were the flagship organs of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1938
End: 1943

Japan Year Books Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
Published from the beginning of the war with China right up to the outbreak of the Korean War (1931 - 1952), the Japan Year Books present Japan’s news and statistics throughout the period. In its densely detailed fashion this is the name-rich, comprehensive Japanese view of the nation, reflecting its endeavours both during and after the war(s).
Essential, partial, yet accurate, these politically loaded historical sources will prove to be indispensable for any serious researcher of the period. A useful contrast to the China Year Books and Chinese Year Books published in Tianjin, Shanghai and elsewhere from 1915-1945.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1931
End: 1952
Place: East Asia

MARG Magazine Archive Collection
Editor: Various advisors
The MARG Magazine is published till today and appears four times a year. The magazine is unique in its scope and origin. It began in 1946, with writer Mulk Raj Anand as its founding editor. He intended it to be a loose encyclopaedia of the arts of India and related civilizations. Now it is a quarterly, produced in Mumbai.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1946
End: 2000
Place: Leiden

Manchuria Daily News Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
The English-language Manchuria Daily News (1908 – 1940), published in Dalian (Darien), presents Japan’s case for its presence in China. From 1932 the Manchuria Daily News promotes? Japan’s newly founded vassal state Manchoukuo, as the showcase state for Japan’s cultural, political and technological leadership of Asia.
Complemented here by Manchuria Magazine, Manchuria Month, Contemporary Manchuria and the Manchuria Information Bulletin, the Manchuria Daily News offers scholars of the modern history of Japan in China a multifaceted view of competing Japanese agendas in the China theatre.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1931
End: 1941
Place: East Asia

Mobilizing East Asia Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
Mobilizing East Asia offers a carefully selected and tightly organized range of essential English-language newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and books following the descent into war in East and South-East Asia from the turn of the twentieth century to the 1950s. This exciting collection of newspapers and lavishly illustrated magazines, often in colour, shows the route from the defeat of Russia by Japan to Japan’s own defeat, through seismic upheaval in China and the onset of systemic change in Asia.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1931
End: 1954
Place: East Asia

North China Daily News Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
Published, with a wartime break 1941-45, from 1864 to 1950, the North-China Daily News (in Chinese: Zilin Xibao), was the most influential foreign daily in East Asia, and the key source for the history of Western interests in China and the transnational history of East Asia. Published here in full colour 300 ppi scans from original issues and grayscale, this collection offers a greatly expanded run of the Daily edition from 1869-1949. There are unique holdings of The North China Sunday News Magazine, the Sunday Magazine Supplements and Special Supplements, a significant collection of the weekly Municipal Gazette, organ of the Shanghai Municipal Council from 1908-1940, and a selection of rare books from the imprint of the North-China Daily News and its parent, the North-China Herald.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1923
End: 1941
Place: China

North China Standard Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
The North-China Standard (in Chinese, Huabei zheng bao) presented Japan’s case for expansion and leadership in Asia to a growing readership in post-WW1 China and Japan. Despite its mission to present the case for Japan in China, two of the Standard’s three editors turned this sometime ‘propaganda rag’ into a real newspaper. Under the editorship of George Gorman in particular, the North-China Standard engaged with polemic and debate about Japan’s role in China, serving its Chinese and foreign readerships conscientiously and intelligently. Today, the North-China Standard constitutes a valuable ‘inside’ source for scholars of Japan and China, and of the ‘scramble for China’ in the 1920s.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1919
End: 1927
Place: East Asia

Seoul Press Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
The Seoul Press (publ. 1907-1937) was Japan’s Korean news flagship, its mission to validate the natural justice of Japanese imperialism in Korea, and Japan as the redeeming, organising and modernising force in East Asia. the Seoul Press represented the Japanese administration of Korea to the world. Missing from this collection are the years 1910 – 1927. As missing issues arise, they will be added to this invaluable Primary Source at no extra cost to subscribers.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1907
End: 1937
Place: East Asia

The Chinese Students’ Monthly Online
The Chinese Students’ Monthly is the first magazine published by Chinese students in the United States from 1906-1931. This publication became the official organ of the enlarged Chinese student organization: The Chinese Students’ Alliance in the U.S.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1906
End: 1931
Place: The United States

The Civil & Military Gazette Online, 1876-1963
Editor: Peter O'Connor
The Civil & Military Gazette constitutes one of the most significant drivers of power in the long empire of information connecting, informing and controlling British India. This South Asian Primary Source offers the most comprehensive holding of The Civil & Military Gazette available, eighty-seven years in all, covering British rule in India from its imperial height, through the Rebellion or ‘Mutiny’ of 1857, recurring nationalist risings, imperial massacres and war to Partition and its aftermath in the independent nationhood of India and Pakistan.
Subject: Asian Studies
Place: India

The Hongkong News Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
The Japanese Occupation holding of The Hongkong News started publication in 1941, right after the Christmas Day surrender of the British Crown Colony, and lasted up to August 17, 1945, the very last week before Hongkong's liberation. The paper had previously launched in ca.1940 at separate premises in the Crown colony. This complete run of The Hongkong News as published during the Japanese Occupation offers scholars the voice of Japan from Hongkong, a voice rightly described as 'a close, unvarnished, daily view of the recolonizing mind-set of the new masters of East Asia'. Brill's Hongkong News was scanned from an immaculate original and is now available online for the first time with full-text-searchable functionality.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1920
End: 1929
Place: China

The North China Herald Online
Editor: Robert Bickers
The North China Herald is the prime printed source for the history of the foreign presence in China from around 1850 to 1940s. No other newspaper existed over such an extended period, and covers it in such incredible depth and variety. The fully text-searchable North China Herald Online will be one of the primary resources on a period which continues to shape much of China’s world and worldview.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1850
End: 1950
Place: China

Trans-Pacific Online
Editor: Peter O'Connor
The monthly, soon weekly American-owned Trans-Pacific (1919-1940) reported from Tokyo on American commercial and political interests in East Asia.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1919
End: 1940
Place: East Asia

Translations of the Peking Gazette Online
Translations of the Peking Gazette Online is a comprehensive database of approximately 8,500 pages of English-language renderings of official edicts and memorials from the Qing dynasty that cover China’s long nineteenth century from the Macartney Mission in 1793 to the abdication of the last emperor in 1912. As the mouthpiece of the government, the Peking Gazette is the authoritative source for information about the Manchu state and its Han subjects as they collectively grappled with imperial decline, re-engaged with the wider world, and began mapping the path to China’s contemporary rise.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1793
End: 1912
Place: Peking

Western Books on China up to 1850 Online
This collection comprises a descriptive, annotated bibliography of 654 early Western books on Imperial China up to 1850, all to be found in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. The collection is based on the book Western Books on China published up to 1850 by John Lust.
Subject: Asian Studies
Start: 1600
End: 1850
Place: China