
Anti-Calvin Online
Editor: Malcolm Walsby, University of St. Andrews
During the sixteenth century Protestant authors had grasped the importance of winning over the souls and minds of the French people from the outset and the production of Genevan presses was therefore mainly in French. This unique selection of writings reflects the Catholic response to Calvinism, with works attacking the precepts of Calvinism and those defending the Catholic doctrine against condemnations by Calvinists.
Subject: History
Start: 1500
End: 1600
Place: France

Book Sales Catalogues Online
Book Sales Catalogues Online offers a comprehensive bibliography of book sales catalogues printed in the Dutch Republic before 1801. This sophisticated database provides full access to some 3,750 digital facsimiles from ca. 50 libraries across Europe.
Subject: History
Start: 1599
End: 1800
Place: The Netherlands

Codices Hugeniani Online
Codices Hugeniani Online (COHU) offers the fully digitized archive of Christiaan Huygens (1629 - 1695), held at Leiden University Library. The archive includes notebooks and loose leafs with texts in the field of astronomy, mechanics, mathematics and music, as well as correspondence and annotated books.
Subject: History
Start: 1600
End: 1700
Place: United States

Codices Vossiani Graeci et Miscellanei Online
The Codices Vossiani Graeci et Miscellanei Online publishes the 174 manuscripts in Greek, and the 42 manuscripts containing both Latin and Greek, from the world-famous Isaac Vossius manuscript collection at Leiden University Library. Isaac Vossius (1618-1689) was a classical philologist and collector of manuscripts, maps, atlases and printed works; he had a particular interest in Greek manuscripts; his first publication was an edition of a Greek manuscript, and he taught Greek to Queen Christina I of Sweden during his time working at her court. This primary source collection offers, in total, 216 manuscripts comprising 27,205 leaves, giving a total number of images (including covers, spines, and fly-leaves) of c. 55,409. K. A. de Meyier’s Latin-language catalogue of the collection is available in digital format alongside the scanned manuscripts, providing users with essential information on the content, context, and physical appearance of each codex; an English-language summarised and updated version of the catalogue is also provided for each manuscript, including new and recent bibliographical references.
Subject: History
Start: 800
End: 1650
Place: The Netherlands

Codices Vossiani Latini
The Codices Vossiani Latini Online publishes all 363 codices which form the world-famous Latin part of Vossius’ manuscript collection held at Leiden University Library. The Codices Vossiani Latini count a large number of early medieval manuscripts (a whopping 76 Carolingian manuscripts dating from before 900), including major sources of many classic texts. The 363 codices in all comprise 40,278 openings, resulting in 84,266 images, including covers and flyleaves. .
Subject: History
Start: 800
End: 1650
Place: United States

Cold War Intelligence
Editor: Matthew M. Aid
This collection of 2,360 formerly classified U.S. government documents (most of them classified Top Secret or higher) provides readers for the first time with the declassified documentary record about the successes and failures of the U.S. intelligence community in its efforts to spy on the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Subject: History
Start: 1945
End: 1991
Place: United States, Soviet Union

Conrad Gessner's Private Library Online: The Revealing Hand-Written Notes of an Early Modern Polymath
Editor: Urs Leu, Zentralbibliothek Zürich
This source edition of Gessner’s private library contains those seventy eight books that Gessner read most carefully and annotated by hand. The marginalia in these books are so numerous that they almost constitute a new set of sources, which are of interest not only to historians and philologists but also to scholars of the history of early modern medicine and the natural sciences.
Subject: History
Start: 1505
End: 1558
Place: Switzerland

Dutch Pamphlets Online
Editor: Knuttel, W.P.C.
Dutch Pamphlets Online comprises both the complete Knuttel collection from the National Library of the Netherlands and the Van Alphen collection from Groningen University Library. The famous Knuttel collection contains some 34,000 pamphlets, to which the Van Alphen collection adds another 2,800. There is no overlap between the two. Combined, these collections form an exhaustive treasure trove of primary texts on the history of the Low Countries between 1486 and 1853.
Subject: History
Start: 1486
End: 1853
Place: The Netherlands

Dutch-American Diplomatic Relations Online, 1784-1973
This collection consists of official Dutch-American diplomatic correspondence covering the period from 1784 to 1973. Taken together, the documents of this collection help scholars to shed further light on some of the most important watersheds in both European and American history and clarify the historical evolution of transatlantic relations from Thomas Jefferson to the end of the Bretton Woods System. This collection comprises 194,755 scans and is part of Transatlantic Relations Online: Digital Archives of the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies, which is the result of ongoing cooperation between the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies and Brill.
Subject: History
Start: 1784
End: 1973
Place: United States of America

Dutch-Catholic Immigration to the Americas Online: The Henk van Stekelenburg Collection, 1820-1960
Editor: Stekelenburg, H. van
Henk van Stekelenburg (1929-1999) was a prominent Dutch historian who worked mostly on Catholic emigration from the Dutch region of North Brabant to North America. This collection includes his manuscripts and detailed descriptions of the most relevant archival materials that he consulted. It also offers personal correspondence, research notes, interviews, bibliographical references, genealogical information, immigration records, and illustrations about Dutch-Catholic immigration to the US and Canada from 1820 to 1960.
This collection comprises 13,207 scans and 52 audio recordings and is part of Transatlantic Relations Online: Digital Archives of the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies, which is the result of ongoing cooperation between the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies and Brill.
Subject: History
Start: 1820
End: 1960
Place: United States of America

Dutch-Protestant Immigration to the Americas Online: The Stallinga-Ganzevoort Collection, 1890-1960
Editor: Ganzevoort. H.
This collection documents the activities of the Stichting Landverhuizing Nederland (SLN) in Brazil, the US, and (predominantly) Canada. Much of the material comes from the Canadian offices of the SLN, which was established in 1931 and remained open till the late 1950s with the purpose of selecting and assisting Dutch emigrants. Before the body of original documents was destroyed, the Canadian scholar Herman Ganzevoort had it microfilmed with the support of Gerrit Stallinga. The collection contains correspondence, reports, lists, and pamphlets regarding Dutch immigration to the Americas (mostly in English), as well as correspondence from and about individual immigrants’ experiences (mostly in Dutch). This collection comprises 17,055 scans and is part of Transatlantic Relations Online: Digital Archives of the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies, which is the result of ongoing cooperation between the Roosevelt Institute for American Studiesand Brill.
Subject: History
Start: 1890
End: 1960
Place: Canada

French Revolutionary Opinions Online
Editor: Erich Pelzer, Freiburg i. Brsg., Germany
The present collection presents the entire corpus of all public interventions by representatives in the National Convention during the trial of King Louis XVI from November 1792 to January 1793.
Subject: History
Start: 1792
End: 1793
Place: France

Girolamo Savonarola Online
Editor: Dr. Peter Amelung, Stuttgar
Girolamo Savonarola (1452-1498) was among the first authors of the late 15th century to acknowledge the importance of printing as a means of propagating his ideas. Many regard him as one of Luther's predecessors. This edition contains the complete incunabular section of the Stuttgart collection, offering over 200 incunables of interest to theologians, historians, art historians, and book historians.
Subject: History
Start: 1452
End: 1498
Place: Italy

Grotius Collection Online: Printed Works
This is the online version of the IDC microfiche Grotius Collection, with the addition of all editions which the Peace Palace Library in The Hague acquired since the date of publication of the original product (1999), including one of only three known copies of the rare first state of the first edition of De Iure Belli ac Pacis, purchased in 2012. The result is an indispensable source of information covering a wide range of disciplines. From law, jurisprudence and diplomacy to philosophy, history and theology. This new collection enables scholars to examine the work of Hugo Grotius, quickly and efficiently online.
Subject: History
Start: 1000
End: 1900
Place: The Netherlands

Heinrich Bullinger's Original Publications Online
Editor: Fritz Büsser
This collection contains a selection of the original Latin and German works by the Protestant Reformer Heinrich Bullinger. In some cases translations of Bullinger’s works into Latin, French, German, English and Dutch have also been included because of their importance. This selection is of particular value for Reformation research in that Bullinger has always been overshadowed by Calvin and Zwingli.
Subject: History
Start: 1526
End: 1904
Place: Switzerland

Huguenots Online
Editor: Andrew Pettegree
This collection offers a comprehensive survey of the original writings of the French Huguenot authors, from the first stirrings of radical dissent in the 1530s through to the end of the century. The selection privileges first and foremost original writings of authors writing within France and for an exclusively French audience.
Subject: History
Start: 1530
End: 1600
Place: France

Moscow News Archives
Moscow News, founded in 1930, for years represented the official English-language press organ of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Its establishment stemmed from a large influx of foreign, mostly American, workers who emigrated to Russia during the Great Depression. Its mastermind was American journalist and activist Anna Louise Strong, who acted in cooperation with Stalin’s cultural propagandists with the aim of providing English-speaking newcomers with an informative – and often edulcorated – view of the Soviet standards of life. Thus, throughout the years, Moscow News served as a tool of positive propaganda that the Soviet regime employed to embellish and polish its public image. As a consequence, censorship heavily affected its rhetoric, narrative, and contents, determining which issues were worthy of being reported and which ones had to be dismissed or ignored. For this reason, the newspaper is a rich resource for those who are interested in assessing the internal mechanism of the Soviet Union’s cultural diplomacy and consensus-building machine.
Subject: History
Start: 1930
End: 1996
Place: Moscow

Philipp Melanchthon Online
Editor: Timothy J. Wengert
This collection focuses on three types of literature in the Melanchthon corpus. First, it especially includes works not contained in more recent collections of Melanchthon’s works (i.e., the Corpus Reformatorum, Supplementa Melanchthoniana, and Melanchthon Studien Ausgabe). Second, it preserves important earlier printings of works. Third, it contains a copy of the four volume Opera omnia.
Subject: History
Start: 1521
End: 1598
Place: Germany

Prize Papers Online 1: American Revolutionary War and Fourth Anglo-Dutch War
Prize Papers Online 1 contains approximately 7,000 interrogations of members of the crew of ships taken during the American Revolutionary War and Fourth Anglo-Dutch War (ca. 1775-1784). It shows images of each interrogation (of two, three, sometimes even six or more pages). Answers to the fourteen most researched questions are transcribed and stored in a searchable database.
Subject: History
Start: 1775
End: 1784
Place: London

Prize Papers Online 2: Seven Years’ War and War of the Austrian Succession
Prize Papers Online 2 contains approximately 6,000 interrogations of members of the crew of ships taken during the War of the Austrian Succession and Seven Years’ War (ca. 1739-1763). It shows images of each interrogation (of two, three, sometimes even six or more pages). Answers to the fourteen most researched questions are transcribed and stored in a searchable database.
Subject: History
Start: 1739
End: 1763
Place: London

Prize Papers Online 3: First, Second and Third Anglo-Dutch War and War of the Spanish Succession
Prize Papers Online 3 contains approximately 4,000 interrogations of members of the crew of ships taken during the First, Second and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars (ca. 1652-1674) and the War of the Spanish Succession (ca. 1701-1733). It shows images of each interrogation (of two, three, sometimes even six or more pages). Answers to the fourteen most researched questions are transcribed and stored in a searchable database.
The Anglo-Dutch Wars (First: 1652-1654; Second: 1665-1667; Third: 1672-1674) were a series of wars fought between the English (later British) and the Dutch in the 17th and 18th centuries for control over the seas and trade routes. The Fourth Anglo-Dutch War (1780-1784) is part of PPO 1. This collection is part of Prize Papers Online (PPO).
Subject: History
Start: 1652
End: 1674
Place: London

Reformed Protestantism - East Friesland and North West Germany Online
Editor: Wim Janse
In the 16th century, the seaport town of Emden at the heart of East Friesland grew into the "mother church" of Dutch calvinism, which was the driving force behind the Dutch Revolt. The second part of this collection focuses on the cities in which early modern North Germany Reformed Protestantism was centered - Bremen and Emden.
Subject: History
Start: 1600
End: 1700
Place: Germany

Sixteenth Century Pamphlets Online / Flugschriften Online
Editor: Hans-Joachim Köhler, Hildegard Hebenstreit-Wilfert, Christoph Weismann
This series contains some 11,000 German and Latin pamphlets printed in the Holy Roman Empire. The pamphlets from 1501-1530 are concerned with the early Reformation movement, the Peasants' War, the threat presented by the Turks, and the various conflicts among the Western European countries. The pamphlets from 1531-1600 deal with a broad spectrum of themes, the Turkish wars, the revolt of the Netherlands, the persecution of French protestants, the status of Calvinists and Zwinglians in the Holy Roman Empire, propaganda against the papacy and the Jesuits, intra-Protestant theological quarrels, the building of confessional networks, witch-hunting, and anti-Jewish polemics.
Subject: History
Start: 1501
End: 1600
Place: The Netherlands

The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 1: Pre-1600 Rare Books Collection
Editor: Various advisors
Almost 3,800 items on mathematics and its history, printed between 1474 and 1870, predominantly in English. Arithmetic is especially well represented, but algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, logarithms, probability, annuities, functions, astronomy and, to a far lesser extent, mechanics are all present. The collection includes multiple editions of popular or significant works, most notably Euclid’s Elements, and numerous bound pamphlets. Mathematical and astronomical landmarks jostle with obscure titles. Several items are extremely rare or, indeed, unique. De Morgan’s annotations enhance a significant minority. This is the Library’s founding collection.
Subject: History
Start: 1500
End: 2000
Place: Leiden

The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 2: Mathematics General Collection
Editor: Various advisors
The second part in a larger collection of rare books and manuscripts from the Augustus De Morgan Library, Senate House, University of London. Part 2 contains the general mathematics materials. Materials are from 1600-1871, including formative mathematical works of the era. Collected by the mathematician and historian Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871). De Morgan was one of the founding faculty members of London University precursor to UCL. His impressive personal collection is the Library’s founding collection.
Subject: History
Start: 1600
End: 1871
Place: Leiden

The Augustus De Morgan Collection, Part 3: Mathematics: Arithmetic, Analysis & Function, Tables, and Weights & Measures
Editor: Various advisors
The third part in a larger collection of rare books and manuscripts from the Augustus De Morgan Library, Senate House, University of London. Part 3 contains the materials on Arithmetic, Analysis & Function, Tables, and Weights & Measures. Materials are from 1600-1871, including formative mathematical works of the era. Collected by the mathematician and historian Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871). De Morgan was one of the founding faculty members of London University precursor to UCL. His impressive personal collection is the Library’s founding collection.
Subject: History
Start: 1600
End: 1871
Place: Leiden

The Daily Worker Online
The Daily Worker was the official mouthpiece of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) between 1924 and 1958. While performing this function, the newspaper represented nevertheless much more than just a tool of political propaganda. Originally, its articles and campaigns were intended to raise working-class awareness in the US and to promote the tenets of socialism there. However, gradually, The Daily Worker started to appeal to a broader audience, not just rank-and-file Communists. Its main target became the victims of the Great Depression, the masses of the unemployed, the dispossessed, and the marginalized minorities packing American metropolises. Its reports covered a wide range of subjects, from policy reforms to labor strikes, from civil rights to housing and urban planning, from foreign policy to sports, literature, and general culture.
Subject: History
Start: 1922
End: 1968
Place: USA

The Fulbright Archives Online, 1949-2016 (excerpts): Papers of the Dutch-American Fulbright Program
In 1949, the Fulbright Program was set up in the Netherlands as well. In order to better coordinate academic exchanges between the Netherlands and the US, the two countries formally established a bilateral United States Educational Foundation (USEF) in Amsterdam. Since then, that organization has changed its name twice. In 1972, USEF became the Netherlands America Committee for Educational Exchange (NACEE). NACEE in turn became the Fulbright Center in 2004. The documents collected by the USEF, NACEE, and the Fulbright Center are held by the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) in Middelburg. However, due to privacy regulations and classification, the only part of this collection that is digitally available is its Section G. This collection comprises 6,851 scans and is part of --Transatlantic Relations Online: Digital Archives of the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies--, which is the result of ongoing cooperation between the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies- and Brill.
Subject: History
Start: 1949
End: 2016
Place: United States of America

The Hungarian Reformation Online
Editor: Graeme Murdock
This collection offers a comprehensive survey of the original Hungarian reformers’ writings. It includes texts from the first stirrings of reform in the 1540s to works written for the established churches during the 1650s. It is an invaluable resource concerning the Lutheran Reformation, the development of international Calvinism, the Catholic Reformation and the emergence of Anti-Trinitarianism.
Subject: History
Start: 1547
End: 1881
Place: Hungary

The Italian Reformation Online
The theological profile of the Italian reformation has not been researched sufficiently. Obviously, such an exploration requires knowledge of the primary texts. Critical editions, however, are very rarely available. This collection offers a synopsis of the diversity of the manifestations of the Italian Reformation and will therefore facilitate research in the fascinating, still largely fallow area.
Subject: History
Start: 1500
End: 1871
Place: Italy

The Reformation in Heidelberg Online
Editor: Richard A. Muller
This collection aims to illuminate the intellectual and religious developments during the reigns of Ottheinrich (1556-1559) and Frederick III (1559-1576). Primarily, it wants to present the complete works of the major Heidelberg figures. Secondarily, its aim is to illuminate the theological development of the Palatinate including the origins and reception of the Heidelberg Catechism.
Subject: History
Start: 1500
End: 1600
Place: Germany

The Times Supplements
In 1908, Lord Northcliffe bought The Times newspaper and set about transforming its fortunes. For a short period it issued a series of geographically-based supplements gratis. The regular supplements were: The South American Supplements (44 issues: 30 July 1910 – 24 Feb 1914); The Japanese Supplements (6 issues: 19 July 1910 – 16 Dec 1916) and The Russian Supplements (28 issues: 15 Dec 1911 – 27 Jan 1917). The Norwegian Supplement (18 May 1914) was a one-off. These supplements represent valuable source material for such fields as British World Studies, Area Studies of Japan, Russia and South America, International Relations, Media History and Transnational Opinion and Propaganda Studies. Lavishly illustrated, each title was tailored to support The Times’ broad editorial position and ongoing Foreign Office priorities. The Japanese Supplements, for example, were aimed at reinforcing the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902-22, in the context of growing German influence in Japan. Talented artists and contributors were engaged in filling the supplements, ranging from foreign statesmen to expatriate journalists and publicists, including those hired by the nations concerned. These supplements would likely have continued beyond 1917, but were affected by acute paper shortages in that year and, in the case of the Russian Supplements, by the 1917 Revolution. The Times also issued one-off special issues associated with the Great War, and regular Reviews of the Year, retrospectives published on New Year’s Day of the succeeding year.
Subject: History
Start: 1910
End: 1916

The Week, 1933-1946
Essential reading in all the chancelleries not only of Europe and the Americas, but in Tokyo, Beijing and Chongqin, for all its seeming amateurishness, its snickering asides and shoestring budget,The Week told all the movers and players of its day just how little they thought of each other, exposed the fairweather alliances of the 1930s and the utter futility of gentlemanly undertakings. Dismissed, denied and praised to the skies as much by its contemporaries as by its successors, Claud Cockburn's The Week is as essential reading in our day as it was in its heyday.
Subject: History
Start: 1933
End: 1946
Place: Asia

Transatlantic Relations Online : Digital Archives of the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies
Editor: Fazzi, D.
The Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) is an archive, public library, research center, and graduate school based in Middelburg, the Netherlands. Established in 1986 as the Roosevelt Study Center and completely renovated in 2017, the RIAS’s mission is to foster the study of American history in Europe, to facilitate research on the history of American politics, culture, and society, and to explore the historical development and trajectories of Dutch-American and, generally, transatlantic relations. The RIAS carries out such a mission under its motto “Pursuing the Rooseveltian Century,” which means that it supports academic research investigating the evolution of American society and its institutional settings, the changing nature of the relationship between the US government and its citizenry, the consolidation of modern political leadership, the evolution of American diplomacy and empire, and the performative roles played domestically and internationally by such ideas as freedom, security, and equality.
Subject: History
Start: 1784
End: 1960
Place: United States of America

U.S. Intelligence on Asia, 1945-1991
Editor: Matthew M. Aid
This collection provides students and researchers with the declassified documentary record about the successes and failures of the U.S. intelligence community in the Far East during the Cold War.
Subject: History
Start: 1945
End: 1991
Place: United States

U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Editor: Matthew M. Aid
This collection of over 4,000 formerly classified U.S. government documents provides a comprehensive survey of the U.S. intelligence community’s activities in Europe, including Eastern Europe, Turkey and Cyprus, covering the time period from the end of World War II to the fall of the Iron Curtain and beyond.
Subject: History
Start: 1945
End: 1995
Place: United States

U.S. Intelligence on the Middle East, 1945-2009
Editor: Matthew M. Aid
Since 1945, the U.S. intelligence community has had to cover a half-dozen major wars and several dozen smaller but equally bloody armed conflicts in the Middle East, as well as innumerable civil wars, border clashes, armed insurgencies, and terrorist attacks. This comprehensive document set sheds light on the U.S. intelligence community’s spying and analytic efforts in the Arab world, including the Middle East, the Near East, and North Africa. It covers the time period from the end of World War II to the present day, up until the 2002-2003 Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) assessments, the Global War on Terror, the Iraq War, and Iran’s nuclear program.
Subject: History
Start: 1945
End: 2009
Place: United States

Warfare in North America, c. 1756-1815 | British Perspectives
This collection makes available a wide selection of original documents held at The National Archives, London, concerning warfare in North America from the Seven Years’ War to the War of 1812, giving a unique insight into the turbulent transition of the American colonies from British rule to independence.
Subject: History
Start: 1756
End: 1815
Place: United States of America

Weapons of Mass Destruction
Editor: Matthew M. Aid
This collection provides students and researchers with the declassified documentary record concerning the U.S. government’s nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs covering the period from the end of World War II to the present day.
Subject: History
Start: 1945
End: 2016
Place: United States